Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 191,828,211 Issue: 622 | 22nd day of Storing, Y15
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Short Stories

My New Life

I've never known what it was like to live in a neohome.

by jobiehanna
The Road To Becoming An Outcast

Deep inside Faerieland was a place forbidden to enter...

by alexrider4568
Unlucky Birthday

The first rays of the morning sun filtered through the window into Reedias' small room. The Draik in question was currently sleeping...

by annuuna
What Does Bond Mean?: A Tale of a JubJub

I know you are wondering who's Fluffy? Fluffy is my snuffly. Well, he was. Before it. Before it happened.

by annabelch12_19
Neopian Fresh Foods

Only in Neopia would one be able to find such a building- one lovingly constructed into the detailed likeness of a sinfully greasy, painfully delicious hamburger.

by oceandragon35
Defending the Castle

This is based off of the book item Defending the Castle.

by countess_of_ondore
Rainy Days

The rain pounded hard against the window, the frigid wind howling through the beating of the raindrops. A bored Baby Kougra stared out...

by melina322
Be Careful What You Wish For

The young Blumaroo sighed loudly, swung his legs out from his bed, and pushed the blanket off him. He moved quietly as so not to wake his siblings and walked outside.

by middsky
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"Rainy Days" by melina322
The rain pounded hard against the window, the frigid wind howling through the beating of the raindrops. A bored Baby Kougra stared out, imaging the scene within cascaded in sunlight, rather than sheets of relentless rain. He sighed disappointedly, foreseeing a long uneventful day ahead. He heard...

Other Stories


Greatest Autumn-looking Items - Part 2
Autumn is such a beautiful season that is loved by so many. And one thing that is certain; once you find a wonderful autumn location to visit, it is sometimes hard to leave.

Also by omgitspuppeh

by sosunub


Helpful Hints to Stay Warm This Winter
We've taken the liberty of compiling a list of mildly unusual items to protect you from the cold.

Also by bha288

by drobit


The Island of Mist: Part Six
"Stones!" Logan shouted the command. "Now!" Each of them grabbed for their Stones. Focusing on the power inside of them was difficult in such a situation...

by lizzy_beth_750551


Coronation: Part Five
Saskia knocked on the door and swung it open. "Sophie, I brought some guests, and they're more annoying than me!" she called, tauntingly.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


Instant Snowman!

by eilitha


The Derpnuggets
The typical human reaction...

by neojedi11

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