Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,828,211 Issue: 622 | 22nd day of Storing, Y15
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The Derpnuggets

by neojedi11

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Math Based Tyranu Evavu Guide
The odds will no longer be against you.

by mazaii_3


Rainy Days
The rain pounded hard against the window, the frigid wind howling through the beating of the raindrops. A bored Baby Kougra stared out...

by melina322


Unlucky Birthday
The first rays of the morning sun filtered through the window into Reedias' small room. The Draik in question was currently sleeping...

by annuuna


Coronation: Part Five
Saskia knocked on the door and swung it open. "Sophie, I brought some guests, and they're more annoying than me!" she called, tauntingly.

Also by bookworm7

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