The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 191,828,211 Issue: 622 | 22nd day of Storing, Y15
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Color Fail #1

by susy_ti

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Defending the Castle
This is based off of the book item Defending the Castle.

by countess_of_ondore


Be Careful What You Wish For
The young Blumaroo sighed loudly, swung his legs out from his bed, and pushed the blanket off him. He moved quietly as so not to wake his siblings and walked outside.

by middsky


Greatest Autumn-looking Items - Part 2
Autumn is such a beautiful season that is loved by so many. And one thing that is certain; once you find a wonderful autumn location to visit, it is sometimes hard to leave.

Also by omgitspuppeh

by sosunub


Neopian Fresh Foods
Only in Neopia would one be able to find such a building- one lovingly constructed into the detailed likeness of a sinfully greasy, painfully delicious hamburger.

by oceandragon35

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