White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,587,585 Issue: 654 | 18th day of Swimming, Y16
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We found the following 20 result(s) for the keyword jambammer

Week - 237

The Dark Before the Dawn II: My Other Half - Part One
by jambammer
Description: "What happened with you and Cream?" I asked, sitting down beside her on her bed...

Week - 238

The Dark Before the Dawn II: My Other Half: Part Two
by jambammer
Description: I couldn’t help but think that what the doctor had told us was odd. I almost didn’t believe him. I’ve never known Sugar to place the blame on someone else if she knows it was not their fault...

Week - 239

The Dark Before the Dawn II: My Other Half - Part Three
by jambammer
Description: Not long after Cream fell asleep, the doctor came in. He looked rather nervous...

Week - 241

The Dark Before The Dawn: the Beginning
by jambammer
Description: The day finally came where we ran out of food. I knew it was coming; I just didn't want to admit it. The girls were off at school...

Week - 279

Interview With The Uppingtons
by jambammer
Description: That's Valentines, Mrs. Uppington, and it's a day where Neopians everywhere celebrate friendship. Surely, you have heard of it?

Week - 289

by jambammer
Description: Lush green grass blanketed the ground, sprinkled with the cheeriness of a few perfectly placed flowers. All of that came to an abrupt stop as soon as it came into view. The cliff...

Week - 290

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Where're we from?

Week - 316

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Naturally.

Week - 328

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: 3. Play :D

Week - 350

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Tired? Ha!

Week - 352

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Let me fix it.

Week - 361

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Aren't vacation homes supposed to be relaxing?

Week - 379

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: What was I like?

Week - 381

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Poor JB.

Week - 467

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Why does JB like Halloween so much, Sailo?

Week - 556

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Funny story...

Week - 567

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: I bet you're wrong.

Week - 568

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Halloween

Week - 619

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Who was that you were talking to?

Week - 654

Welcome To My Life
by jambammer
Description: Introducing a new character, Kyon.

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Welcome To My Life
Introducing a new character, Kyon.

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Tips and tricks to help you stay in the green!

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Aisha Soup: Aisha Heroes
Often sought, but seldom found.

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Defenders Origins - Judge Hog
The muscular Moehog stared at the blue lantern in the center of the room as it gently flickered.

by herdygerdy


Even villains can be heroic... when the situation calls for it.

by stararan

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