Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 675 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y17
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword mecha_fang

Week - 475

A Very Merry Day of Giving
by mecha_fang
Description: "I almost forgot it's the Eve of Giving!" he shouted, and he slipped on his armor, grabbed his sword, and went to see if his friends were awake.

Week - 514

The Thief of Time, Sirocco!
by mecha_fang
Description: As Kreludor rose over Happy Valley, there seemed to be an eerie stillness in the air.

Week - 515

The Citadel - Seven Years Later
by mecha_fang
Description: It was a cold, dark night in the Darigan Citadel. Then again, it was ALWAYS cold and dark up in the Citadel, even when it was a warm summer in Meridell.

Week - 534

by mecha_fang
Description: As the dawn began to break over Faerieland, none of the guards noticed a slender figure leaping from parapet to parapet of Fyora's palace.

Week - 561

Endless Night
by mecha_fang
Description: Hunter tossed and turned in his bed. The White Lupe knight just couldn't sleep – it had been exactly two years since his father, Sir Arthur Penn of Meridell, fell to the blade of General Kass.

Week - 562

Never My Fault
by mecha_fang
Description: Where did I go wrong? 

Was it when I made that bargain with The Three?

Week - 578

Girl's Night Out
by mecha_fang
Description: Miraja was getting bored without any arch-villains to fight. Oh, sure, sometimes she'd sneak out of her home and catch some Thieves' Guild thugs, but it wasn't the same...

Week - 609

Anthology of Evil - Neopia's Rogues' Gallery
by mecha_fang
Description: While Neopia is supposedly a peaceful, happy planet, there are many evil beings...

Week - 610

Sunset Shopping
by mecha_fang
Description: She idly ruffled through her long hair with her fingers before yawning. "Hunter, do ya think we could actually, I dunno, do something this year?"

Week - 625

How The Thieves Guild Almost Stole the Day of Giving
by mecha_fang
Description: "Meh." Sirocco rolled his eyes. "All I ever get is coal."

Ashlynne giggled as she read one of her spellbooks. "Perhaps it's because you steal most of your 'presents'?"

Week - 644

Shadows in Shenkuu
by mecha_fang
Description: "I assume you know why you have been summoned here."

Week - 665

The Legacy of the White Walein
by mecha_fang
Description: "Ah, there's nothin' like the ocean, aye?"

Week - 666

How to Raise Your Krawk
by mecha_fang
Description: So, ye sprouts be wanting to own a Krawk, aye? Well, as a Krawk myself I could offer a few pointers.

Week - 675

How Bones Got His Wings Back
by mecha_fang
Description: What's an Eyrie without wings supposed to do?

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