The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 675 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Trouble in Paradise: Neovia

Tura: 1 Kawaii: 0

by chasing_stars44
Insulting Instructions

You can't make me eat that!

by mmmmmm_candy
Faerie vs. Fairy

After my friend got the RE about a pet falling in a hole, I decided to elaborate on it a bit. xD

by cybunny_fanatic_
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I just think Mutant Quiggles are adorable and under appreciated! I can't wait to have one of my own some day!

by urawolff
Something Has Hap--- Oh, Wait...

Uh oh.

by joslucca3000
Welcome to the Family, Alizkia

Almost regretting that meepit... Almost.

by shakespeareghurl
Doing Nothing


Written by patjade

by izzywizard

Too Much Ice Cream

We're in the kitchen!

by artemislknight
I'll Take Your Word For It

Are you sure that's not what you meant?

by globetrekker
Fantastic Omelette

*flap flap*

by midnight_star411
Relic Paint Brush: Only For The Worthy

Very shiny!

by table
The Floating Islanders: Within the Woods Pt:1

They may still be lost, but at least they're rich and lost!

by yankeesrule244444456
Can You Relate?

Exchange gift rules: bring a wrapped gift to school worth no less than 2,000 nps. No food or drink, please!

by toffeedatepudding
Skeiths (part 1)

A comic about the scary beast known as the Skeith.

Also by ribbonpig

by bythisriver

Perils & Gold: The Wanderer - part 1

Following the events of "The Uneasy Voyage". The gang arrives at Mystery Island...

by lockord
A Nose for Business

Come to trade a negg.

by ssjelitegirl
Dinner with the Scarlets: Charity Chaos

When Charity Corner began, I was turning in cheap plushies and getting rare prizes. This comic went out of date quickly.

by june_scarlet
Search the Neopian Times


"Wigless" Wigs: Ladies

While different databases have helped to aid in the search for the perfect tresses, there are times when these beauties get omitted: Simply because they aren't referred to as 'wigs', as they've been searched for. Indeed, some of them are more than just about hair - from daring looks for the brave adventurer types to delightfully girlish forms for the feminine at heart, this list is counting down from oldest to newest to come to the NC Mall, with hope to...

Other Stories


Welcome to Sweet Eats
"It's never snowed this much. I've missed two weeks of birthdays so far..."

by sushicat1__20


Iyuja: In Which the Unknown is Known Again
"Mama? Does the cotton candy forest really exist?" the baby Aisha asked, rocking back and forth expectantly.

by flufflepuff


Around Neopia in 80 Days - Part Four
This is the fourth and final part of the itinerary for an eighty-day voyage across all the lands of Neopia.

by burning_shadows_79


The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #5
I'm back with a review for a brand new hotel, Ye Old Ship Inn. I must admit that I'm excited about this one!

by cadetbush


A Queen's Ascension: Part Five
Tomos stood very still. He had to think on his feet. He was alone in Frezon's room with the Lupe himself and could see how dangerous he was...

by dudeiloled


The Scientist's Apprentice: Part One
Dr. Darren Rickshaw sighed, staring at his laboratory set-up somberly.

by vanessa1357924680

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