The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 675 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Darigan Toys Non-Darigans Should Be Wary Of

Darigan Citadel's main and only export is toys. But get those cuddly plushies and bright colors out of your mind, because Darigan Toys are still made with a Darigan demographic in mind.

by pikachu315111
Around Neopia in 80 Days - Part Four

This is the fourth and final part of the itinerary for an eighty-day voyage across all the lands of Neopia.

by burning_shadows_79
Helping the Vandagyre Feel Welcome in Neopia

The first thing that I have heard some say about my species is that we look weird. How absurd!

by iluvmypetz456
The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #5

I'm back with a review for a brand new hotel, Ye Old Ship Inn. I must admit that I'm excited about this one!

by cadetbush
Bathing Your Aggressive Neopet

We've all had one. That Neopet that would rather be in the Battledome than playing with its toys, that always picks up a fight with its siblings, and that bites you at every chance it gets.

by alli_draggy
Tips to Train Your Pet Quickly and Inexpensively

There are a few tricks to help you with cost and time.

by asparagushead
The PPL Needs You!

What are the ways for you to help the lives of Petpets all over Neopia?

by summerofjoy
11 "Wigless" Wigs: Ladies Edition

With so much variety, it's easy to overlook the perfect gem that would complete your customization...

by 09004888
Secret Lives of the Shopkeepers: Terror Mountain

What exactly do the shopkeepers of Neopia do in their spare time besides run their shops?

by purplejellystalker
Charity Corner Chat

A certain kindly Acara has recently made a big splash with her keen holiday spirit.

by puddydog
15 Ways to Avoid Those Post-Holiday Blues

Now that the holidays are over, it's easy to feel gloomy after all of the excitement and festivities.

by vet1392
New Years Across Neopia

Happy New Years, fellow Neopians! How did you ring in Year 17?

by baby_angel1123
The Season of Charity

'Twas the season to be charitable.

by jirachi68106
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"Cupcakes" by themaybird
If there's one person Lily the yellow Ogrin can't stand, it's Jasmine. Jasmine is a faerie Uni of the worst kind. Sure she's pretty, but is it really worth it when you spend all your time brushing your mane again and again, reapplying makeup, and checking your appearance in a compact mirror? Seriously, she doesn't go anywhere without it. Last time Jasmine came over...

Other Stories


On the Cusp of the New Year
"I'm not just bored and idle. I'm completely lucky and entirely empty," she said.

by pochipeach


The Kind Granny Hopbobbin
Life is hard for those of us who were not blessed with wealth or loving environments by birth. It has always been.

by _biimy


The Necromancer: Part Eleven
"What can I help you with, Miss Ward?" he said briskly as she entered, not pausing in what he was doing. He appeared to be reading correspondence and giving it his signature.

by jokerhahaazzz


The Scientist's Apprentice: Part One
Dr. Darren Rickshaw sighed, staring at his laboratory set-up somberly.

by vanessa1357924680


Doing Nothing

Written by patjade

by izzywizard


Trouble in Paradise: Neovia
Tura: 1 Kawaii: 0

by chasing_stars44

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