The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 675 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y17
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword vanquishee

Week - 663

Fridays at Noon - Petpet Edition
by vanquishee
Description: People call me Plum and I want you to listen to my story. I must tell you right off the bat that this is not a tale that will end happily.

Week - 664

Friday: 1 minute and 27 seconds
by vanquishee
Description: "Hello, fellow Neopian, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My master is currently away on business..."

Week - 665

One Friday Afternoon
by vanquishee
Description: It all sounds so simple: an uncommon Altadorian petpet would be a prize for any Neopia Central resident. In fact, he has been "adopted" by others beforehand, but...

Week - 666

Fridays at Night
by vanquishee
Description: Tears were streaming down the petpet's round blue eyes as he silently chanted, "Rain, rain, go away, come back on another day."

Week - 667

Fridays at Midnight
by vanquishee
Description: This is not a place that you want to be walking around at night, especially alone...

Week - 669

Friday Game Night
by vanquishee
Description: For those who are unaware of the King of Cards origin, his story began on a particular Friday game night...

Week - 670

Friday: Lost and Found
by vanquishee
Description: He retrieved 400 Neopoints from his coin purse, the customary entrance fee one has to pay in order to enter, and tossed it into the waters. Once the fee was paid for, his adventure had begun!

Week - 671

Friday: 196 Dubloons Left
by vanquishee
Description: It was another gorgeous Friday morning in Warf Wharf and the one-legged shopkeeper of Krawk Island Nippers had just turned the welcome sign on...

Week - 672

Friday: The Problem with Bandages
by vanquishee
Description: As he was perusing through Lost Desert's infamous Osiri's Pottery shop, known for selling the finest pottery and Earthenware in the land, he heard an awful ruckus...

Week - 673

Friday: A Jewel Indeed
by vanquishee
Description: "Go fetch the petpet like the good little shopkeeper you are, and you can keep the rest."

Week - 674

Friday: An Ethical Dilemma
by vanquishee
Description: Located at the base of Terror Mountain, Happy Valley is a small village that is north of Neopia Central, just below the Ice Caves.

Week - 675

Friday: All Sold Out
by vanquishee
Description: A Neo-citizen had a time constraint of 12 minutes and 7 seconds from an impatient Dark Faerie and so he was hastily racing across Neopia Central to obtain the desired item: a JubJub Piper Muffin.

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