A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,049,732 Issue: 676 | 16th day of Sleeping, Y17
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword lockord

Week - 560

Misconceptions at the Habitarium
by lockord
Description: Wheee!

Week - 578

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - Part 1
by lockord
Description: Teeth is delighted to see her brother Viishus return home from his long journey.

Week - 579

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 2
by lockord
Description: Viishus runs into trouble in the Warf Wharf... that is, until someone lends a hand.

Week - 580

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 3
by lockord
Description: Lock, the vagabond, decides to help Viishus out.

Week - 581

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 4
by lockord
Description: Lock gets closer to the family. After some deliberation he decides to leave before he gets too close.

Week - 582

Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - part 5
by lockord
Description: In the end, Lock decides to stay and realizes that having a family isn't so bad.

Week - 628

Some Treasures are Better Left Untouched
by lockord
Description: More adventures to come...

Week - 647

The Mask
by lockord
Description: Have you ever wondered why Lock wears a mask?

Week - 650

Issues with the 650
by lockord
Description: There's a reason why pirates never get into a special Neopian Times issue.

Week - 656

Teeth Finds a Job
by lockord
Description: Every neopet has a place somewhere... it just takes a lot of searching.

Week - 657

False Alarm
by lockord
Description: Another day at Teeth's job ... what could go wrong?

Week - 660

The Uneasy Voyage
by lockord
Description: A great journey begins with the first step...

Week - 675

Perils & Gold: The Wanderer - part 1
by lockord
Description: Following the events of "The Uneasy Voyage". The gang arrives at Mystery Island...

Week - 676

Perils & Gold: The Wanderer - part 2
by lockord
Description: A scaly surprise

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Perils & Gold: The Wanderer - part 2
A scaly surprise

by lockord


A Skeith Owner's Inventory
Well, at least nothing goes to waste! :)

by thewizardess


Skeiths (part 2)
Continuation of Skeiths (part 1). A comic about the scary beast known as the Skeith.

Also by ribbonpig

by bythisriver


Friday: The Curse
Kelp is the most exclusive restaurant situated in the depths of Maraqua City. It is reserved solely for the elite who are willing to pay a premium for tasty, exotic meals...

by vanquishee


Garjan's Borrowed Time
Garjan could not believe how ungrateful Pystry was being. Apparently this benighted Mutant Hissi didn't realize that the opportunity to assist someone of Garjan's eminence was a privilege he didn't lightly bestow.

by peirigill

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