Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword ccr153lucky2

Week - 424

Plot Aftermath
by ccr153lucky2
Description: What's better than gold?

Week - 513

Cheap Books Please
by ccr153lucky2
Description: Do you like the cover?

Week - 674

11 Recommended Backgrounds this Winter Season
by ccr153lucky2
Description: Here is a list of some of the best winter backgrounds that would look great on any pet (if used right), and would even make perfect gifts for that special friend who needs to get into the winter spirit!

Week - 680

Valentine's Customization - Minimizing the Pink
by ccr153lucky2
Description: Here are Valentine customization suggestions to minimize the pink, without always being anti-Valentine.

Week - 688

Species-Specific Fashions You Didn't Know Existed
by ccr153lucky2
Description: Acara - Bruce Edition. So many items, so many possibilities, so little Neopoints.

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Great stories!


Chaneliz Visits the Beach
"Come on Tusk," Chaneliz squealed, "Race you to the beach!" Her little paws went from scorching hot cobblestone to sand in just a few moments as she broke into a run - her Gruslen struggling to keep up behind her. She felt the grains in between her toes, warmed by the sun.

Also by: b_70x7_n

by nycflowergirl


Ulterior Motives
Why DOES the Hidden Tower cost so much?

also by tizzlestix

by msjanny


Mother's Balloon: Part Four
The walk to the barn from the Worthington's house was quite a long one, down a winding dirt path, over hills and past the corn field. For as long as the journey was, it could never be long enough for the scarlet Draik who knew that her worst nightmare was waiting for her at the end of the road.

by dewdropzz


There is No Such Thing as Fearless
It was a beautiful day in the Haunted Woods. The wrought iron fence with its alternating wrought iron torches and pitchforks lined one side of the dirt track. The fence led to a gate with the emblem of a torch with two pitchforks crossed above it. Past the gate, the landscape was as far from the rest of the Haunted Woods as one could get. The visitor was unimpressed.

by 77thbigby


Cheating for Seconds
Who knew Sabre-X could be so easily fooled?

by art_un

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