Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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Continued Series

The Fire Within: Part Six

Hariq, as it transpired, was very far off the beaten track. So far that it, unlike the Shining Chasm, didn't have a name in the common tongue. Hariq was the ancient Moltaran word for exploding, violent fire.

by herdygerdy
Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Four

The next morning, Illere and Brillare met Sirena and Ardore, who was the Top Fire faerie, outside the doors of Fyora’s office. The four faeries had agreed to meet each other at the office doors rather than the golden gates of the royal palace.

by downrightdude
Mother's Balloon: Part Four

The walk to the barn from the Worthington's house was quite a long one, down a winding dirt path, over hills and past the corn field. For as long as the journey was, it could never be long enough for the scarlet Draik who knew that her worst nightmare was waiting for her at the end of the road.

by dewdropzz
The Door Closes: Part Five

The next day we stretch and eat. The morning sun feels cleansing. I can only imagine how much more we'll enjoy it once we have Faith back once and for all. We lie on the grassy banks, waiting ominously hour after hour.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

The Beginning of the Shadow: Part Three

Kamia couldn’t help but feel a jolt run through her when she saw the bruised Zee hurry away. Zee hadn’t been to the Battledome at all, not even recently. Kamia knew that. She had been there these few days, trying out her new weapon, but she hadn’t even caught sight of Zee once. So that meant that Zee had been trying to catch some villain or had gotten hurt while saving a civilian.

by sha2196
Millie's Monster: Part Two

It was bright and early, when Millie got up. Her parents were still asleep in the room down the hall, her nanny hadn’t arrived yet either. Millie stopped and looked at the grandfather clock that sat in the upstairs living area.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
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"Chaneliz Visits the Beach" by nycflowergirl
"Come on Tusk," Chaneliz squealed, "Race you to the beach!" Her little paws went from scorching hot cobblestone to sand in just a few moments as she broke into a run - her Gruslen struggling to keep up behind her. She felt the grains in between her toes, warmed by the sun.

Other Stories


Slushie Union
The Tuskaninny Waitress wiped the sweat off her brows as her last customer left the Slushie Shop with a Chokato Slushie clutched between his paws. It is once again the season of the year where fans pour into the colosseum in waves and Yooyus are released from their pens to soar in the sky. Not to mention, it is also the busiest time of the year for the Tuskaninny Waitress, or also known as the Slushie Slinger.

by jeslin__62


Chaneliz Visits the Beach
"Come on Tusk," Chaneliz squealed, "Race you to the beach!" Her little paws went from scorching hot cobblestone to sand in just a few moments as she broke into a run - her Gruslen struggling to keep up behind her. She felt the grains in between her toes, warmed by the sun.

Also by: b_70x7_n

by nycflowergirl


Fantastic Faerie Pets
In this article I've chosen to spotlight a selection of Faerie Neopets, the ones I personally consider to be the most unique and beautiful.

by aleu1986


Species-Specific Fashions You Didn't Know Existed
Acara - Bruce Edition. So many items, so many possibilities, so little Neopoints.

by ccr153lucky2


Poogles & Giggles
Just for Poogles and Giggles

by lizzbear_


Royal Pain
Kitchen Quests are so unfair

by winner19955

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