Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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New Series

Arthur: A Weapon's Tale: Part One

It had all started during a seemingly innocent game of Cheeseroller. The temperature was warm, with a brisk breeze following the steep slope of the hill. There must have been a dozen or so onlookers, watching in anticipation to see who would win or who would make the fool of themselves.

Collaboration with surath

by trubiekatie

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Summer Vacations

It’s never too early to start planning your summer getaways! We will also mention various places and attractions that you can go to while on vacation at these locations. If your Neopet needs relaxing and maybe an escape from the unbearable heat of the summer months, you have come to the right place because here you will discover what's best to do this summer.

Other Stories


Only Time Will Tell
As Prytariel entered Exquisite Ambrosia she gazed at the group sitting in the corner. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of despair as she realized that that majority of neopets were unaware of their existence but, to be fair, from afar they don’t look like much.

by lugal222


The Nature of the Beast
The Werelupe King and his owner were watching the sunset. This was not an unusual occurrence—Isengrim spent many an evening like this during his visits to Terra’s Altadorian villa. It had become their tradition, and Isengrim found comfort in traditions, especially in a world that didn’t bother to offer him much more.

by cosmicfire918


Architecture of Neopia: Shenkuu
Shenkuu, situated to the North of Altador is the only empire in Neopia. However this title of ‘empire’ is largely ceremonial as the far reaching surrounding mountains that previously made up smaller imperial settlements have been grouped together as Greater Shenkuu.

by arkwright


Easiest Petpets to Take Care Of
Hello, fellow Neopians! Have you always wanted an easy petpet to take care of? Of course you have! Petpets are fun, little pets for your pet to take care of. But of course, every living being needs loving care, and petpets need CONSTANT care!

by ilovechocolate4321


Lame Pun: Altador Cup - Part 3
Make Some Noise!

by blackaavar


50 NP
What's with Neopians painting pet rocks into codestones?

by amarettoball

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