For an easier life Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword jeslin__62

Week - 663

The Darkest Day Of Neopia
by jeslin__62
Description: "Ah, little one. Where is your mother? Is she unwell?" King Altador inquired. "Why are you here alone?"

Week - 671

A New Start
by jeslin__62
Description: Today is the day! I'm leaving for my new home in Altador.

Week - 673

All You Need To Know About Mushrooms #1
by jeslin__62
Description: That's right - mushrooms!

Week - 674

Christmas Knight
by jeslin__62
Description: Alone. For the first time in her life, Brynn was alone on Christmas Day.

Week - 688

Slushie Union
by jeslin__62
Description: The Tuskaninny Waitress wiped the sweat off her brows as her last customer left the Slushie Shop with a Chokato Slushie clutched between his paws. It is once again the season of the year where fans pour into the colosseum in waves and Yooyus are released from their pens to soar in the sky. Not to mention, it is also the busiest time of the year for the Tuskaninny Waitress, or also known as the Slushie Slinger.

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Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Four
The next morning, Illere and Brillare met Sirena and Ardore, who was the Top Fire faerie, outside the doors of Fyora’s office. The four faeries had agreed to meet each other at the office doors rather than the golden gates of the royal palace.

by downrightdude


Why Did You Downsize?
I was rifling through my five accounts when I realized that I had lost attachment to many of my pets. My accounts were brimming with the maximum of 20 pets, but in truth, I only loved 13 of them. I began to wonder, would it make some players happy to adopt my unwanted pets?And that is how my odyssey began!

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Cheating for Seconds
Who knew Sabre-X could be so easily fooled?

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Only Time Will Tell
As Prytariel entered Exquisite Ambrosia she gazed at the group sitting in the corner. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of despair as she realized that that majority of neopets were unaware of their existence but, to be fair, from afar they don’t look like much.

by lugal222


Interview with The Cup Player
It’s Altador Cup time in Neopia! For the thousands of fans who attend, this month is the best part of the year. But what do our players think of the fanbase? I, Haibara, have set out to interview players from each team and ask their opinions.

by parody_ham

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