Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sparkleeze

Week - 687

History of the Lost Desert
by sparkleeze
Description: Let's take a trip back in time, thousands of years ago to when no Neopian knew that the Lost Desert existed....

Week - 688

The Encyclopedia of The Kadoatie
by sparkleeze
Description: You are walking around Neopia Central and happen to find a poor, pink, kitty cat in a tree.....

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The Encyclopedia of The Kadoatie
You are walking around Neopia Central and happen to find a poor, pink, kitty cat in a tree.....

by sparkleeze


Lame Pun: Altador Cup - Part 3
Make Some Noise!

by blackaavar


Ezra and Ava: Wraiths and Home
Ava sighed as she placed the piece of dung into her basket. "This has got to be the worst streak we've had," she said. "This is the fifth piece of dung we've found."

by broncogirl6


Interview with The Cup Player
It’s Altador Cup time in Neopia! For the thousands of fans who attend, this month is the best part of the year. But what do our players think of the fanbase? I, Haibara, have set out to interview players from each team and ask their opinions.

by parody_ham


Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! 6
Tiki Tack... in goes the Detective!

by roxanna203

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