Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword fourin

Week - 687

Boot Luck
by fourin
Description: ARGH! Not again!

Week - 695

Island Mystic
by fourin
Description: 1.. 2.. 3!

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How To Truly Celebrate Mutant Day
Sup homies! Happy Mutant Day! This public service announcement is brought to you by the most famous UC mutant Hissi in all of Neopia. *smirk*

by klarevoyant


Peril in Brightvale's Beryl Meadows
The sisters treaded through lush green meadows, enjoying the vibrant voices of the birds as they approached their new home in Brightvale. The comforting breeze loosened leaves from their branches and danced upon the ladies' skin. Their hair twirled in the wind, reflecting bright sunshine. The grass was slightly dewy from the previous night's rainfall. When they reached their beautiful abode, they gazed in awe at its contents.

by _brainchild_


Just Let Him Be
He can't, but he wishes he could.

by supertualet


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Five
The first thing that I needed to do was get away from these two and find someone that wasn't under Shadow's control. It was likely that Xavier was hypnotized as well (that was if what Mae told me earlier was true). I really hoped that Mae or Jane were still okay -- I literally had no one else to turn to.

by chasing_stars44


Snazzy-ish: Haven't Seen Her Around...
Is anyone else guilty of always forgetting their petpet in Grave Danger?

by volx

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