A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,824,348 Issue: 713 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword agentcpfan

Week - 713

That's One Way to Do It!
by agentcpfan
Description: I was wondering where those items came from...

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A Tribute To The Ogrin
In this article, I want to bring the Ogrin out into the spotlight and hopefully raise some awareness about the species. Every Neopet deserves to be loved, and although the Ogrin does have devoted fans and doting owners, having a few more in Neopia wouldn`t hurt.

by aleu1986


Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 12
Things aren't really that Black and White.

by june_scarlet


A Pteri in a Phear Tree
Twelve days of giving!

by toasterwaffle


Duplicity: Part Four
For a prince of the “kingdom of knowledge” and a celebrated graduate of Brightvale University, Rafael wasn’t very bright, though that could be chalked up to his Meridellian heritage. He wiped his own tears with a dirty handkerchief, whining to Danner between his pauses.

by likelife96


The April Fool That Fooled Us All
My older (by only 1 day) and shorter ‘brother’, Harrund, a red Shoyru, and I were getting ready for our training when a female blue Aisha showed up, very unannounced, and seemed quite confused about being with us, too. “Who are you?” Harrund asked immediately.

by midnight_spell360

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