Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 193,824,348 Issue: 713 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y17
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New Series

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part One

This one was serious and was going to be the hardest one that the company had received in a while. The worst part was that I had to do it all without my best friend. In fact, the entire case revolved around her. It wasn't even a real case - it was just me trying to find her. Jane went missing about four days ago.

by chasing_stars44
Bottled Faeries Inc.: Part One

“So, what brings you to Bottled Faeries Inc.?” I found it hard to answer the question for multiple reasons. For starters, it was quite strange to see Balthazar, the infamous faerie bounty hunter, dressed in a three-piece suit and sitting behind a large mahogany desk.

by vanessa1357924680
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8 Easy New Year’s Resolutions Ideas

Picking your New Years resolution can be tricky, as we all know that they can be VERY difficult to actually stick to! Here is a list of 8 resolutions that are not only easy to stick to, but they’re also mostly extremely cheap or free (that’s right! You don’t have to invest hundreds of millions of neopoints into completing your stamp album). Even more than that, these resolutions are all intended to either help you form a stronger bond with your pets or simplify your life here on Neopets.

Other Stories


It's All in the Presentation
A roar of rage came from the Rainy Hollow Armoury. Lofty wrinkled his nose at the sound and entered the long building. To his very great surprise, a baby Skeith stood in the middle of the space, meaty hands clenched, green eyes glaring. Lofty approached the other baby, unsure of the stranger. Then, it came to him in an instant.

by 77thbigby


A Weewoo flew through the window of a rather plain Neohome, toting the latest Neopian Times. Rimos took the newspaper, thanked the small Petpet, and went to flip to the comic section for a laugh that early morning. Instead he received a shock.

by azienskieth


8 Easy New Year’s Resolutions Ideas
Picking your New Years resolution can be tricky, as we all know that they can be VERY difficult to actually stick to! Here is a list of 8 resolutions that are not only easy to stick to, but they’re also mostly extremely cheap or free (that’s right! You don’t have to invest hundreds of millions of neopoints into completing your stamp album).

by ahh_choo


A Tribute To The Ogrin
In this article, I want to bring the Ogrin out into the spotlight and hopefully raise some awareness about the species. Every Neopet deserves to be loved, and although the Ogrin does have devoted fans and doting owners, having a few more in Neopia wouldn`t hurt.

by aleu1986


The Problem with Owning a Magma Neopet
You've got to be very careful- it might as well burn your Neohome down.

by dawgcpa


Dad Knows Best #1
Dad meets wii's new friend

by wiiwario112

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