Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,824,348 Issue: 713 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y17
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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part Four

Chloe's return to consciousness was accompanied by a smashing headache that made her regret the fact that she had woken up. She groaned and dug her fists into her eyes, a move which she instantly regretted as the contact with her head only made the pain worse.

by kristykimmy
Simeon's Song: Part Two

The terror-filled tension that hangs in the air seems to make the sun disappear and force the trees to lean in, smothering. The Gelert Assassin rotates his sword's hilt in his hand agitatedly – threateningly – but Ember still tries her best to remain calm. She doesn't look away from his shadowed honeycomb eyes.

by theschizophrenicpunk
Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Three

There was no time to think; the pale, bulbous eyes and teeth sharper than razors were coming ever closer, slowly slipping out of the cover of darkness. For a moment, Clara was paralyzed. Then her mind spoke to her, muttering one word that gave her the will to move...

by shadowknight_72
Duplicity: Part Four

For a prince of the “kingdom of knowledge” and a celebrated graduate of Brightvale University, Rafael wasn’t very bright, though that could be chalked up to his Meridellian heritage. He wiped his own tears with a dirty handkerchief, whining to Danner between his pauses.

by likelife96
Within the Archives: The Dancing Curse: Part Two

Maybe, at first, Hark had little reason to be suspicious of what was happening. The Day of Giving ball had started, and he’d made his way to the ballroom, positive that Elleri, the Royal Blumaroo, would be there to intercept him and take over as she always did. But he was wrong, and she was gone.

by queen_potema
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"It's All in the Presentation" by 77thbigby
A roar of rage came from the Rainy Hollow Armoury. Lofty wrinkled his nose at the sound and entered the long building. To his very great surprise, a baby Skeith stood in the middle of the space, meaty hands clenched, green eyes glaring. Lofty approached the other baby, unsure of the stranger. Then, it came to him in an instant. Lofty knew who this was! “Brawnson!” Lofty exclaimed, thick blue fur bristling in shock. The baby Skeith turned to face Lofty. “Yes.” “How did this happen?” “Boochi happened. If I ever get my hands on that Bruce…” Brawnson’s words hung heavily in the air. Lofty barely managed not to shudder. “Thank Fyora Split Paint Brushes are cheap,” Brawnson muttered. “You’re not going to stay baby, then?” Lofty asked. Brawnson stared at the baby Yurble as if he never seen him before. Then, he snorted. “No, I’m not. Lofty, you know I’m the armourer of Rainy Hollow. How can I do that if I’m a baby?” Brawnson’s green eyes still shone with heat. “Have you tried?” Lofty flicked his cinnamon roll ears as he looked at his friend. “Why would I do that?” “Why not?”

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It's All in the Presentation
A roar of rage came from the Rainy Hollow Armoury. Lofty wrinkled his nose at the sound and entered the long building. To his very great surprise, a baby Skeith stood in the middle of the space, meaty hands clenched, green eyes glaring. Lofty approached the other baby, unsure of the stranger. Then, it came to him in an instant.

by 77thbigby


A Weewoo flew through the window of a rather plain Neohome, toting the latest Neopian Times. Rimos took the newspaper, thanked the small Petpet, and went to flip to the comic section for a laugh that early morning. Instead he received a shock.

by azienskieth


Getting Started In The Stock Market
What if I told you that you can turn 15,000 Neopoints into 100,000 Neopoints through a simple game right here on Neopets? You don’t need to gamble your life away, or spend hours on flash games to do it. All you need to do is sit and wait for a while. You may think I’m making things up, but I assure you there is an easy way to do it.

by mob


8 Easy New Year’s Resolutions Ideas
Picking your New Years resolution can be tricky, as we all know that they can be VERY difficult to actually stick to! Here is a list of 8 resolutions that are not only easy to stick to, but they’re also mostly extremely cheap or free (that’s right! You don’t have to invest hundreds of millions of neopoints into completing your stamp album).

by ahh_choo


Anniversary - Part 14
You mean I have to wait until September to get the avatar?!?

by caylista


Slush: Meepit Addition
Well that was unexpected.

by _torchic__

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