Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword ramheart

Week - 541

The Nut Farm
by ramheart
Description: My Krawk has the intelligence of a Goldy.

Week - 544

The Nut Farm
by ramheart
Description: It's not wise to brag out loud...

Week - 556

The Nut Farm: At the Laboratory
by ramheart
Description: Not every pet should worry about their looks...

Week - 564

The Nut Farm - Nachos
by ramheart
Description: In which Kalyth fails to learn about "Association Fallacies".

Week - 569

The Nut Farm - Gross Food
by ramheart
Description: It's obvious, really...

Week - 635

Adventures in Plushland
by ramheart
Description: Better luck next time...

Week - 637

Adventures in Plushland
by ramheart
Description: Modesty is not Damien's best quality.

Week - 643

Adventures in Plushland
by ramheart
Description: Old Mac Donald HAD a farm.

Week - 648

The Nut Farm
by ramheart
Description: Excessive wit may drive acquaintances away.

Week - 680

The Nut Farm
by ramheart
Description: At least Pritam is making something...

Week - 691

The Nut Farm
by ramheart
Description: I mean, that was obvious.

Also by KandiKatze

Week - 717

The Nut Farm
by ramheart
Description: Rink Punner

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Cleaning Up Neopia, One Avatar Attempt at a Time
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In Color
I’ve known Dagny our entire lives. She grew up in the underground Bori tunnels in Terror Mountain. From the very beginning, she was different. Artistic, intelligent and optimistic, she was the complete opposite of every other Bori. It never bothered her that she had no Bori friends, but she did have me. et me explain that I am not her Petpet. My name is Erna and I am Dagny’s imaginary friend.

by 77thbigby

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