Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword marbear_4u

Week - 720

The Kadoatery: Hot Tips from Over Feeders
by alyndasgallery
Description: Wondering how you will ever achieve that adorable pink avatar? It's not as tricky as you might think, and this guide will give you some pretty great tips on how (and WHEN) to get started, including the best and worst times to feed those fussy critters.

Also by marbear_4u

Week - 725

Chia Day Madness
by brooklyn3223
Description: Big dreams my little friend

Also by marbear_4u

Week - 732

Darigan Breakball
by marbear_4u
Description: OW!

Also by vanillerrybeitje

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NeoPaper: Jelly Pet at Mealtime
Observe: a Jelly pet's surreal majesty, as she devours her meal.

by mbredboy31


Oh No
Uh, nevermind.

Also by voudoo and murillion

by shadowlugia_92


Just Jelni: Faking Faerie
Jelni wants to be painted Faerie, but she gets a different pair of wings!

by angul888


Trophies That We Actually Regret!
Inspired by the ironic notion of actually REGRETTING one's trophies, I thought I'd write this article! Most Neopians are eager to accrue as many trophies as possible. Yet there are also those motley players who actually REGRET the trophies they own!

by indulgences


Darigan Breakball

Also by vanillerrybeitje

by marbear_4u

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