The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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Head in the Clouds: Altador Cup

by yoshisislandbandit

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From the Top: An Inteview with Top Kadoatie Feeder
Whether you have only thought about feeding a Kadoatie or are already and experienced feeder, I’m sure you are curious as to how some dedicated Neopians have managed to feed so many Kadoaties. I’m here today with infernodragon02 to talk about the experiences of one very committed and enthusiastic Kadoatie feeder.

Also by infernodragon02

by malphd


What If I Turn Into A Frog?
... a frog?

by ketchup547


My Pet Rojel's Never Ending Career Advice
She never stops at nothing!

by natlain


The Vine of Destiny: Book 1, The Apprentice Pirates: Part One
“By Fyora…” Jacques gasped, “Who would be crazy enough to sail a dinghy in the middle of the Maraquan Circle?!” “Somebody who doesn’t know the first thing about the sea would be my guess.” Garin replied as he looked through a spyglass and spotted a pair of Neopian girls clinging to the mast of their dinghy as it was tossed by the waves.

by teamchao466

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