Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 194,034,734 Issue: 734 | 26th day of Hunting, Y18
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword xpninja

Week - 663

The Super Secret Club: New Neighbour
by xpninja
Description: In the garden of number forty eight, Rainbow Lane, Neopia Central, stands a tree house. But this is not just any treehouse.

Week - 667

The Mysterious Manor
by xpninja
Description: "Well..." Reana gulped "Here it is." The Pastel Zafara stood in front of a wrought iron gate, which creaked in the frosty breeze.

Week - 672

Super Secret Club: The Cookie Crumb Trail
by xpninja
Description: In the garden of number forty eight, Rainbow Lane, Neopia Central, stands a tree house. But this is not just any treehouse. This treehouse is the headquarters of the Super Secret Club.

Week - 674

Super Secret Club: Festive Follies
by xpninja
Description: Today, the Super Secret Club has temporarily relocated to Al's living room. Vyla is untangling a string of colourful lights. Taros is draping glittery tinsel over every surface. Al himself is keeping a watchful eye over the plate of cookies...

Week - 685

Super Secret Club: Nightmare Cousins
by xpninja
Description: It takes them a moment to realise that there is no shout of excitement as they make their entrance, or the sound of tiny feet on the path, racing out to meet them. Something must be very wrong.

Week - 692

Super Secret Club: The Great Cookie Caper
by xpninja
Description: The Kacheek prances off, towards the kitchen, where Al knows the magic happens. Seconds later, a loud cry of horror interrupts the quiet hum of chatter in the quiet bakery. The Super Secret Club leap to their feet, racing to where the Breadmaster is standing in the doorway.

“My famous cookie recipe! It’s …It’s gone!”

Week - 700

Super Secret Club Special: Septuacentennial Struggle
by xpninja
Description: In the garden of number forty eight, Rainbow Lane, Neopia Central, stands a tree house. But this is not just any treehouse. This treehouse is the headquarters-

“No, that’s not right.”

The girl in the spinny office chair exhales irritably, scribbling out the lines she’s just written.

Week - 705

Super Secret Club: Halloween Havoc
by xpninja
Description: Summer has passed Neopia by: The once-green leaves have been replaced by a rainbow of reds, oranges and yellows. Carts of vegetables line the streets, peddled by stallholders who have ditched their sunglasses and sandals in favour of scarves and the occasional woolly hat. Shop after shop is bursting with seasonal decorations. Yes, it is most definitely autumn in Neopia Central.

Week - 719

Super Secret Club: The Valentine's Venture
by xpninja
Description: Now that Christmas is over, the tinsel is down. Ornaments have been packed away for another year. Snow has transformed into rain. Everything is back to normal.

Well, it was, until about a week ago. The shop owners of Neopia Central seem to have conspired together. Now, the streets are exploding with hearts, bunches of flowers, and reams of red and pink fabric and lace.

Week - 734

Super Secret Club: The Cup Card Calamity
by xpninja
Description: Late spring is a special time in Neopia Central. A time that creeps up ever so slowly, like a thief in the night. It begins with whisperings on playgrounds, streets, in parks and offices. Out come the cards, hastily swapped beneath desks, and surreptitiously purchased beneath shop counters. And then, when it can’t wait any longer, Neopia explodes.

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