Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,034,734 Issue: 734 | 26th day of Hunting, Y18
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From the Top: An Interview with Bartdrunkeys, a Top Trophy Collector

Have you visited a player’s lookup and been mesmerized by the glow of gold? Or the sheer number of accomplishments? Trophies are a great way to show off and celebrate your hard work and commitment to Neopia.

Also by bartdrunkeys

by malphd

A Trophy Guide to Mutant Graveyard of Doom II

You and Albert in a maze. A guide for Mutant Graveyard of Doom II.

Also by bha288

by stake_6

The Funniest Themed Accounts Ever!

I have to admit, I've always harbored an obsession with creating a humorous, themed account! I think it would be hilarious to have 3 Chias paired with a Lupe, for instance. Inspired by the idea of making really weird, really funny accounts, I thought I'd write this article! In it, I've listed some of the funniest ways to create and dress up our pets, and given the range of silly and comical wearables that exist on here, it was really easy to write.

by indulgences
The Sounds of Tyrannian

Every spoken language uses a set of sounds. But the set of sounds are actually different for each language! Tyrannian is no exception. This article should give you a thorough grounding in the sounds you use to speak Tyrannian, in four simple lessons. So if you're ready, let's begin!

by reiqua
Of Crepes And Coffee

My journey for a delectable delight thus began in the shopping hub of Neopia with The Bakery. This little shop is located in the Bazaar of Neopia Central, huddled between Gardening Supplies, Battle Magic, and Fine Furniture. While I considered this location rather far from the Coffee Cave, I could not deny myself trying The Bakery's infamous goods.

by pillsi
Fyora's Day

Fyora Day, contrary to popular belief, is not Fyora's birthday but rather an anniversary to her official coronation. Although literally a day honoring Queen Fyora, it is also symbolically a day of kindness where one takes a moment to learn from Fyora's character.

by black_skull725
Purveyor of Petpets: Fanciful Fauna's Cool Koi

One lesser-known Koi is the shopkeeper of the Fanciful Fauna store in Shenkuu, who sells exotic petpets. These fascinating creatures are sure to delight any Neopet who receives them. Here are all of the different varieties of petpets sold by the Koi, from least rare to most rare

by _brainchild_
An Interview with the NC Mall Altador Cup Shopkeeper

Everyone’s hyped for the eleventh installation of the AC, so let’s join the Shopkeeper here today to see what he can tell us about the newest shipment of NC Mall Altador Cup merchandise this year, and what it’s like to be an important part of one of Neopia’s favourite annual events.

by an9375
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"Wayfarer Finds a Friend" by _lilbitsane_
Wayfarer snorted softly as she was shaken out of sleep. "Come on, Wayfarer, I've got a surprise for you," whispered Faeraday urgently. The little blue Flowper petpet rubbed her eyes and squinted at the clock. She opened her eyes wider and stared. It was 2:42 am! She fought the urge to lay back down as Faeraday spoke again. "I'll explain while we walk, you have 3 minutes to get moving." She walked briskly out through the open door, leaving Wayfarer by herself. Gosh, she could be so bossy sometimes, thought Wayfarer. She loved her owner, though. Faeraday was a beautiful Kyrii princess who lived locked in the top of a tower. Wayfarer was pretty much her only friend in that high, chilly place. Her father had put Faeraday in the tower with the thought that she would quit sneaking out, but it didn't stop her, she always found a way. They had been on many adventures together. Once, they climbed out the window in the middle of the night. Wayfarer almost fell, but Faeraday was there to steady her. They snuck out into the woods and met some tree-elves who happily played them songs until the wee hours of the morning. Wayfarer glanced at the window, and was happy to notice there were no sheets hanging there this time. She must have found another way out.

Other Stories


The Curse Of The Rainbow Fountain
Everyone knows about the curse of The Rainbow Fountain, it is an old wise tale that has been around for years and years. The tale of the curse of The Rainbow Fountain is told to every Neopet in Neoschool every year in October. Elders tell the tale again and again to warn young Neopets of what could happen.

by she_chose_love


Queen Fyora: The Faeriest of them All
As Fyora Day looms closer, and pets around Neopia are struggling to think of ways to honour their Faerie Queen, Zladie sits with her Floating Tooth Faerie Doll, squabbling over how to best celebrate their violet monarch.

by xindyx


Clouds Over Cogham: Part Two
A hum of contemplation. A foot tapping anxiously on cold marble floors. “Mm... No, no, but...” The humming continues. “Well, do you know of a town called... Cogham?”

by theschizophrenicpunk


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Seven
The current of the water took me from there. It was much faster and stronger than I thought. I tried to swim up to the surface for air, but the fast water denied me from doing so. It wasn't that I couldn't hold my breath for very long – don't get me wrong, I could (though I was running out of that) – it was just that I wanted to get back on the surface before I was very far.

by chasing_stars44


Royal Pain
UC pets have the best poses

by winner19955


Always say please.


by lyndsey4657

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