The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,034,734 Issue: 734 | 26th day of Hunting, Y18
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Continued Series

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Seven

The current of the water took me from there. It was much faster and stronger than I thought. I tried to swim up to the surface for air, but the fast water denied me from doing so. It wasn't that I couldn't hold my breath for very long – don't get me wrong, I could (though I was running out of that) – it was just that I wanted to get back on the surface before I was very far.

by chasing_stars44
Reign of Ice: Part Five

They found the stairs and made their way to the top of the mountains. The highest peaks were above the clouds, so they found the air to be surprisingly warmer. They used the bridges between the mountains to find their way to the Cyodrake’s Gaze, where Captain Tuan was meeting with the navigator, Hoban.

by neolikepets
Clouds Over Cogham: Part Two

A hum of contemplation. A foot tapping anxiously on cold marble floors. “Mm... No, no, but...” The humming continues. “Well, do you know of a town called... Cogham?”

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Vine of Destiny: Book 1, The Apprentice Pirates: Part Three

Meridell came into sight several days later, and the two crews gathered on the deck of the Black Pawkeet as they prepared to pull into port. “All right everyone, we’ll stay in port a day or two this time to rest and restock.” Garin told his friends, “Get whatever you can, whether we actually need it or not, and keep your eyes peeled for a girl who looks like she might want a fresh start.”

by teamchao466
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"Queen Fyora: The Faeriest of them All" by xindyx
As Fyora Day looms closer, and pets around Neopia are struggling to think of ways to honour their Faerie Queen, Zladie sits with her Floating Tooth Faerie Doll, squabbling over how to best celebrate their violet monarch. The disagreements are slight, yet also sincere. The doll has some questionable ideas, such as to present the Queen with a Faerie Toothbrush. Her main incentive here is to ensure that Fyora receives the utmost dental care and retains her exceedingly good looks, however, Zladie objects. “Do you assume the Queen does not groom herself enough?!” A short time before, upon hearing this suggestion, Zladie would have willingly complied. However, this time, she resolved to find something different; something that would make Fyora not only appreciate her role as Faerie Queen, but also those around Neopia who worshipped and respected her. Not that she doesn’t do this anyway - Fyora is said to be one of Neopia’s most humble rulers, a benevolent being whose actions are fair and honourable, yet she often bravely shows the ability to display her wrath towards those who attempt to dishonour her land. Her care for Neopia and its inhabitants goes above and beyond expectation. Zladie therefore wanted to think of something that would show her admiration of the Queen's actions, instead of her looks.

Other Stories


The Curse Of The Rainbow Fountain
Everyone knows about the curse of The Rainbow Fountain, it is an old wise tale that has been around for years and years. The tale of the curse of The Rainbow Fountain is told to every Neopet in Neoschool every year in October. Elders tell the tale again and again to warn young Neopets of what could happen.

by she_chose_love


Super Secret Club: The Cup Card Calamity
Late spring is a special time in Neopia Central. A time that creeps up ever so slowly, like a thief in the night. It begins with whisperings on playgrounds, streets, in parks and offices. Out come the cards, hastily swapped beneath desks, and surreptitiously purchased beneath shop counters. And then, when it can’t wait any longer, Neopia explodes.

by xpninja


Of Crepes And Coffee
My journey for a delectable delight thus began in the shopping hub of Neopia with The Bakery. This little shop is located in the Bazaar of Neopia Central, huddled between Gardening Supplies, Battle Magic, and Fine Furniture. While I considered this location rather far from the Coffee Cave, I could not deny myself trying The Bakery's infamous goods.

by pillsi


Purveyor of Petpets: Fanciful Fauna's Cool Koi
One lesser-known Koi is the shopkeeper of the Fanciful Fauna store in Shenkuu, who sells exotic petpets. These fascinating creatures are sure to delight any Neopet who receives them. Here are all of the different varieties of petpets sold by the Koi, from least rare to most rare

by _brainchild_


Warf Reacue Team! ~ Another Day

by supertualet


Sunny Side Up
Faeries have expensive tastes.

by amarettoball

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