A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,077,255 Issue: 736 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Just Another Day

by miacirclegirl

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Altador Cup XI Match Report: From the Sidelines
I’m here today in the spectator area with some of the gang, and coming up is Maraqua versus Krawk Island. Say hello, everyone!

Garin: Yeah, hi.

Jacques: Hi.

Slightly Manic-Looking Blue Techo With Bloodshot Eyes: HII!!!

by an9375


Freezer Burn: 10 Hot and Cold Foods For The Season
Although we all know summer's fast approaching, what people forget is that winter's also coming. In celebration of the diversity of the seasons, here are a few of my favorite 'fiery' and 'freezing' foods to enjoy no matter the season.

by eyrieze


The Sleeper of Altador: Part Two
A desert Aisha and a faerie Ixi landed in the Lost Desert a few hours after they received the emergency neomail from Jerdana, Altador's famed sorceress. Biscuit, the desert Aisha, had spent the Virtupets ship ride concocting the best plan to apprehend their villain, and she delegated the task of contacting Torikor, their blue Grarrl commander, to Ciebatta, her faerie Ixi partner.

by amarettoball


Totally Random Random Contest
Always read the rules...

by carrotbreath

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