Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 194,077,255 Issue: 736 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Desert Requiem: Part One

She met the zombie who had saved her life sooner than she dared hoped. The meeting took place near sundown, atop the city walls.

by kalnya
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Freezer Burn

Although we all know summer's fast approaching, what people forget is that winter's also coming. In celebration of the diversity of the seasons, here are a few of my favorite 'fiery' and 'freezing' foods to enjoy no matter the season.

Other Stories


Nice Guys Finish First
Neopians from all lands compete to become the Altador Champion. Although, Aero knew all about the cup, he never really thought of participating. Everyone was excited, they couldn't wait to choose their teams. Aero, couldn't wait to read the article in the Neopian Times about it. Then the thought crossed his mind, "What if I played this year?"

by extreme_butterfly


An Astronomer Among the Stars
She ran and ran and ran, eyes glued to the blaze of falling stars, until she found herself in her front yard, not that far away after all. The fiery stars ceased and bid her farewell for the night, but young Shasharah knew she would follow them for the rest of her life.

by meadow_lark


The 7 Yooyus
It is finally here and it is hotter than ever before this season. Neopians from all over the globe, far and wide, gather together for a full month of their absolute favorite game, none other than Yooyuball of course. In order to really enjoy a game of Yooyuball though, and to have the chance to rack up lots points for your favorite team, one needs to truly know how each unique Yooyu really works while out on the field during a fun game of Yooyuball.

by jmo7692


Yooyu Year 'Round: The Unofficial Yooyuball League
For some, this month-long tournament is not enough to sate their thirst for one of the most popular sports in Neopian history – Yooyuball. And for these passionate fans of the sport, it’s never really leaves them, even after the colosseum closes its doors.

by mebot1


NeoPaper: Budget Cuts
Are you sure there aren't... erm... better things to cut first?

by mbredboy31


Totally Random Random Contest
Always read the rules...

by carrotbreath

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