Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,077,255 Issue: 736 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Freezer Burn: 10 Hot and Cold Foods For The Season

Although we all know summer's fast approaching, what people forget is that winter's also coming. In celebration of the diversity of the seasons, here are a few of my favorite 'fiery' and 'freezing' foods to enjoy no matter the season.

by eyrieze
A Foster's Perspective

Due to its popularity, I decided to make a follow up piece, this time focusing on the fosters adopting out a pet instead of the adoptees. After conducting several surveys, I compiled the results and took the answers of three users who have experience in adopting out pets.

by dragondancer007
What's Really Going on in Neopia?

My name must be obscured. My tin hat will protect me. Trust no one. Question everything.

by nicksluka
Yooyu Year 'Round: The Unofficial Yooyuball League

For some, this month-long tournament is not enough to sate their thirst for one of the most popular sports in Neopian history – Yooyuball. And for these passionate fans of the sport, it’s never really leaves them, even after the colosseum closes its doors.

by mebot1
Secrets of Yooyuball: Trials of a Trade

A player trade can bring salvation to an Altador Cup team or doom it to the dregs of last place. As anyone knows after eleven years of fevered competition, team loyalty is a big deal out in the audience, and conflicting emotions run high when a treasured star is traded to another team.

by sasaki_kyomi
Afternoons at Exquisite Ambrosia

A few weeks before the Altador Cup, before the mass migration of spectators, the teams themselves quietly slip into the city to gear up for the tournament. They train in the stadium and discuss logistics and regulations with the Altador Cup Committee—and when they need some downtime, they head to Exquisite Ambrosia.

by cosmicfire918
A Legendary Complement

An insightful evaluation of the legendary Altadorian petpets.

by skolver
The 7 Yooyus

It is finally here and it is hotter than ever before this season. Neopians from all over the globe, far and wide, gather together for a full month of their absolute favorite game, none other than Yooyuball of course. In order to really enjoy a game of Yooyuball though, and to have the chance to rack up lots points for your favorite team, one needs to truly know how each unique Yooyu really works while out on the field during a fun game of Yooyuball.

by jmo7692
Altador Cup XI Match Report: From the Sidelines

I’m here today in the spectator area with some of the gang, and coming up is Maraqua versus Krawk Island. Say hello, everyone!

Garin: Yeah, hi.

Jacques: Hi.

Slightly Manic-Looking Blue Techo With Bloodshot Eyes: HII!!!

by an9375

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"A Hot Heist" by drifbilim
"The Ice Crystal Shop could make a fortune down here,” Inhi muttered to himself as he wiped another coating of sweat from his brow. He hadn’t even entered Moltara proper, he was still waiting in the elevator queue on the surface. But it was insufferably hot—even for a Hissi like himself. There was a shadow Cybunny a few spots behind him who was more sweat than fur, and Inhi hoped that the Cybunny didn’t come here expecting a vacation spot. He sure hadn’t. Moltara was hardly even a tourist spot anymore. The novelty of a new land had worn off, Moltara didn’t have anything to offer unless one was looking for ore, or a specialty item. Food was subpar (not that that was particularly surprising from a city built in a subterranean tunnel), and there was only so much lava one could look at before it was a part of the scenery, no different from snow or grass. And the average hour long wait time to even enter the city threw a lot of Neopians off. It threw him off, really. But he didn’t have much of a choice. It was lucky that he didn’t have to come here often at least, because he was coming up to the part of the trip that he absolutely loathed. Security check.

Other Stories


Old Lupe Balthazar
How had it come to this? Balthazar thought as he scraped the dried pumpkin off of his fence. A few years ago, he would have chased those pets off of his lawn without a second thought.

by gumgum101230


Nice Guys Finish First
Neopians from all lands compete to become the Altador Champion. Although, Aero knew all about the cup, he never really thought of participating. Everyone was excited, they couldn't wait to choose their teams. Aero, couldn't wait to read the article in the Neopian Times about it. Then the thought crossed his mind, "What if I played this year?"

by extreme_butterfly


The Sleeper of Altador: Part Two
A desert Aisha and a faerie Ixi landed in the Lost Desert a few hours after they received the emergency neomail from Jerdana, Altador's famed sorceress. Biscuit, the desert Aisha, had spent the Virtupets ship ride concocting the best plan to apprehend their villain, and she delegated the task of contacting Torikor, their blue Grarrl commander, to Ciebatta, her faerie Ixi partner.

by amarettoball


Clouds Over Cogham: Part Four
Squire Tormund redirects his disdainful glare to the old Lupe knight who has just appeared beside him, though the fury is obviously misplaced. For a few seconds before responding, he looks back down the castle hallway towards the dining room where the lazy Sir Harlag sits feasting, and the squire gives a frustrated grunt.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Fly High: Kadoaties
Don't you wish we ate as well as the kadoaties?

by linkxzelda666tingle


Lame Pun: Altador Cup start
Now with 100% more beef

by blackaavar

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