teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword beagums

Week - 721

An Avatar Hunter's Letter to the Spacerocked! Grundo
by beagums
Description: I'm sorry sir! I'm only trying for the avatar! I can pay to fix your very nice spaceship- Kneezles, run.

Week - 739

Humourless Aishas #1: The Health Food Shop
by beagums
Description: Some Aishas are quite funny, these ones are not.

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A Beginner's Guide to Skirmishes
I have looked upon the face of the coming days, and she is beautiful, but the path that leads me toward her is dark with ignorance and distrust. - The Oracle

Also by earthlingdreamz

by marcthegr8est1


Beach, Burglary and Buyer's Remorse
I don't know why it had sounded like a good idea. Maybe because Neoschool was over, all of my pets were happy, and because I'm missing several key parts of my brain that keep me from making bad decisions. Yeah, that's got to be it.

Also by Special thanks to David, J, and everyone else who helped edit!

by queen_potema


Holiday Proposals That Celebrate Our Food Pets!
I've often wished for holidays that would celebrate our food pets! Over the years, I've made a list of fun holiday proposals that would pay tribute to our edible pets, and would make us smile. Chocolate Day already exists. What about the other food colors?

by indulgences


A Dangerous Game
So was it as easy as you thought?

Also by sanamm

by admonisher


What are the Odds: Natural Flight
Sometimes change takes a while to get used to.

by malochroma

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