Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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New Series

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part One

Orlitz nodded, noting the chill in the air. They were approaching Neopia Central, and compared to the sunny-all-year-round disposition of Mystery Island, Winter around the rest of Neopia was surprisingly cold.

by josephinefarine
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"The Slushie Slinger" by tallydepp
Kayennah the Krawk couldn't believe her luck! Ever since she was a little Krawk, she had eagerly looked forward to the Altador Cup every year but, being so young, she'd had to content herself with sitting outside the stadiums, straining to hear above the frenzied crowds in an effort to decipher what might have been happening on the pitch. She had been in a rush to grow to an age where she could finally enter the stadium and watch the matches from the stands, cheering on her beloved team Meridell. However, she had given little thought to how she would be able to afford match tickets. In fact, this small detail hadn't even occurred to her! So the start of the Altador Cup XI had been marred with disappointment that had come with the realisation that match tickets were most definitely out of her price range, given her paltry student budget. But Kayennah the Krawk was not a quitter and some ingenious quick thinking had found her enquiring at one of the Slushie stands if they needed any extra help over the Cup season. And miracle of miracles, Kayennah was hired! Yes, Kayenneh couldn't believe her luck! Not only was she going to be able to watch the matches, she was even going to get paid for it too! All she had to do was serve the odd slushie here and there. What could be easier than that? On her first day, Kayennah could hardly contain her excitement. She was one of many new trainees and, as she stood in line waiting for her new uniform to be handed out to her, she turned to the Neopet behind her. "Isn't this a dream come true?" she enthused. "Isn't the Altador Cup just the most exciting event in the whole Neopian calendar?"

Other Stories


Beach, Burglary and Buyer's Remorse
I don't know why it had sounded like a good idea. Maybe because Neoschool was over, all of my pets were happy, and because I'm missing several key parts of my brain that keep me from making bad decisions. Yeah, that's got to be it.

Also by Special thanks to David, J, and everyone else who helped edit!

by queen_potema


The Mark
It was a gloomy day. Alex the Purple Draik trudged home with a huge burden weighing on his shoulders. With his head hung low, and his feet dragging in the mud, Alex heaved a sigh. I don't want to go home. I'd rather stay here than feel the wrath of my parents when I tell them what I got on my test today...

by noel3840


The Neopian Pizza Critic
Good Day to all you Pizzaroo fanatics, Crust connoisseurs, and other aficionados of the wonderful world of pizza! I have dedicated my entire existence in Neopia to carefully sampling and critiquing all of the wonderful, unique, and in some cases downright bizarre flavors of pizza that can be found all over Neopia.

by robbie_roxburgh


Finding Your Great Guild
As luck would have it, I clicked the link too quickly and found myself on the Guild Board instead! Instead of clicking the back button, however, I stopped to look at the guilds that were being advertised as fond memories of being part of guilds throughout the years flashed in my mind. This, I thought, was where my Neopets adventure was going to take me.

by so_bored_822


Trudy's Expectation
In this world, it's surprise or be surprised.

Also by cloudypoogle and rooftopchicken

by lennekegirl123


A Dangerous Game
So was it as easy as you thought?

Also by sanamm

by admonisher

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