Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword josephinefarine

Week - 622

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part One
by josephinefarine
Description: "What a day," she thought contently as a pair of giggling youngsters hurried past her. Orlitz had finally achieved her dream job—being a field reporter for the Neopian Times, and was flustered by the fact that she could now tackle her very first reporting assignment for the major newspaper...

Week - 623

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Two
by josephinefarine
Description: "Something is deliberately making the petpets disappear?" Orlitz repeated excitedly, scrambling to find her notepad and a pen in the mud.

Week - 624

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Three
by josephinefarine
Description: "Sparta!" Orlitz groaned, pulling a white blanket over her head. At the foot of her bed was a small gruslen. Playfully, he growled, pulling and scratching the covers.

Week - 625

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Four
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz ran up to where the figure had been standing moments ago. She illuminated the dense foliage of the jungle with her torchlight, squinting...

Week - 626

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Five
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz was anxious to leave for Geraptiku. Set on finding her roommate, Orlitz threw her trench coat over her shoulders, grabbed an umbrella from her closet, and stepped out into the raucous rain.

Week - 627

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Six
by josephinefarine
Description: In a futile attempt to stop the her, Almos tumbled out from behind the bushes after Orlitz and and fell over the Cybunny. The two crashed into the mud, much to the surprise and horror of the three smugglers they had been spying on only moments ago.

Week - 628

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Seven
by josephinefarine
Description: With the smugglers a good way ahead of them, Iskeen—followed by Orlitz, Almos, Vin, and Sparta—raced up a trail...

Week - 685

Five Make-It-Yourself Recipes for Summer
by josephinefarine
Description: When it’s so hot that you’d rather stay inside than go out to eat, try these refreshing treats with your Neopets!

Week - 709

Homemade Recipes for the Holidays
by josephinefarine
Description: I’ve come up with several recipes to prepare at home. Not only do they save me countless neopoints, they also provide a wonderful, authentic alternative for my neopets to enjoy. I will be sharing some simple recipes in the hopes that you too, can worry less about funds and marvel in the comfort of preparing these holiday favorites.

Week - 723

An Old Wive's Tale
by josephinefarine
Description: And that's where omelettes come from

Also by Yellowpagebeatdown

Week - 739

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part One
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz nodded, noting the chill in the air. They were approaching Neopia Central, and compared to the sunny-all-year-round disposition of Mystery Island, Winter around the rest of Neopia was surprisingly cold.

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Desert Requiem: Part Four
The Red Temple of Qasala was an impressive structure carved into the side of a sandstone cliff, and was one of the few monuments to escape major damage during the sandstorm of two hundred years ago. It was where the coronation of Qasala's rulers traditionally took place and housed the statues of the five founders of the city.

by kalnya


My Rock
That's fine...

by cria_sherwood


Finding Your Great Guild
As luck would have it, I clicked the link too quickly and found myself on the Guild Board instead! Instead of clicking the back button, however, I stopped to look at the guilds that were being advertised as fond memories of being part of guilds throughout the years flashed in my mind. This, I thought, was where my Neopets adventure was going to take me.

by so_bored_822


Not good enough.

Also by coolnish_azn101

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu


Trudy's Expectation
In this world, it's surprise or be surprised.

Also by cloudypoogle and rooftopchicken

by lennekegirl123

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