White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword tallydepp

Week - 323

Pride Comes Before a Ball
by tallydepp
Description: This is the story of how a vain, proud Uni learns how to have fun and makes King Skarl laugh!

Week - 330

The Restocker's Road Is Paved With Gold
by tallydepp
Description: Why buy one expensive item, when you can buy hundreds of cheap items?

Week - 327

Donny's Toy Repair Shop
by tallydepp
Description: Donny changed the "We Are Closed" sign on the door to "We Are Open!" He pulled up the window blinds and peered out, feeling a shiver of excitement...

Week - 328

Kayennah Kacheek, Kadoatie Keeper
by tallydepp
Description: A Kadoatie who never gets fed but doesn't cry about it? Something is wrong!

Week - 332

How To... Spend Quality Time With Your Neopet
by tallydepp
Description: A guide to making your neopet happy. :)

Week - 333

Edna's Crash Course in Broomstickery
by tallydepp
Description: Her new customer was a well dressed Neovian who coughed politely, snapping Edna from her reverie. "Yes?" Edna enquired, fixing him with her oversized eye...

Week - 717

Tallydepp and the Imperial Exam
by tallydepp
Description: Uni cake was Tallydepp's favourite food and usually the sweet aroma would stop her in her tracks, but today the excited Uni didn't even notice. She pulled a letter from her school satchel, her hooves shaking slightly. "Look! Look!" she cried. "I've finally been selected to try out for the Imperial Exam!"

Week - 718

Food For Lunch!
by tallydepp
Description: . "Oh, Lunch," she replied, "you wouldn't like shopping, you're far too timid for those busy shops. Look at how everyone is pushing past one another, just to get the most expensive things on sale! No, you wouldn't like it one bit." They were sitting on the grass by the fountain of the Neopian Neolodge. A crowd had formed outside the nearby post office.

Week - 722

How To Care For Your Elderly Neopet
by tallydepp
Description: A sudden loss of balance and a stumble into the Rainbow Fountain is all it takes. Before your very eyes, your once sprightly, bouyant Neopet with their thick, lush, shiny fur/scales/hide (delete as appropriate) will emerge no longer glowing with youth and energy, but hunched over and wizened, wrinkly and crinkly, grey or balding, aged almost beyond recognition! "Get off my lawn!" they'll croak at you angrily, whilst you stare at them wide-eyed in shock, mouth agape in surprise.

Week - 723

Post-Pink Blues
by tallydepp
Description: For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be Pink. I'd see people posting on the neoboards with their lovely pink avatar and I would turn green with envy. Occasionally I'd even visit the Kadoatery but every time I did I'd leave the Kadoatery feeling defeated and as sad as the unfed kads. A few years passed, then one morning I woke up feeling determined.

Week - 724

Tula's Terrible Truth
by tallydepp
Description: The sun was setting over Faerieland. Tula watched as everything around her slowly became shrouded in a dusky light. She dipped her hand into the blue green water of the lake by the Faerie Caverns. Only minutes ago the water had been warm and welcoming - now, without the rays of the sun, it was already beginning to cool.

Week - 737

Treasure Chests - Not Just For Pirates?
by tallydepp
Description: "Why would I be interested in treasure chests? None of my Neopets have been painted Pirate! What possible use could I or my Neopets have for a treasure chest? Treasure chests are just for Pirates!" And that, my dear friend, would be where you are very, very wrong!

Week - 739

The Slushie Slinger
by tallydepp
Description: The start of the Altador Cup XI had been marred with disappointment that had come with the realisation that match tickets were most definitely out of her price range, given her paltry student budget. But Kayennah the Krawk was not a quitter and some ingenious quick thinking had found her enquiring at one of the Slushie stands if they needed any extra help over the Cup season. And miracle of miracles, Kayennah was hired!

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