A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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A Real Conundrum

by umhiimalexis

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The Mark
It was a gloomy day. Alex the Purple Draik trudged home with a huge burden weighing on his shoulders. With his head hung low, and his feet dragging in the mud, Alex heaved a sigh. I don't want to go home. I'd rather stay here than feel the wrath of my parents when I tell them what I got on my test today...

by noel3840


Finding Your Great Guild
As luck would have it, I clicked the link too quickly and found myself on the Guild Board instead! Instead of clicking the back button, however, I stopped to look at the guilds that were being advertised as fond memories of being part of guilds throughout the years flashed in my mind. This, I thought, was where my Neopets adventure was going to take me.

by so_bored_822


Trudy's Expectation
In this world, it's surprise or be surprised.

Also by cloudypoogle and rooftopchicken

by lennekegirl123


Create Your Own Adventure
I always suspected that my Grundo had a sadistic streak. Years of serving as a commander in Dr. Sloth’s galactic marine corps will probably do that to you. But my hunch was confirmed the day Dark_breed_Hyren brought home an Adventure Generator.

by cosmicfire918

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