Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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Out of the Lupe - It's Time...

by memoure

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Great stories!


More Than Meets The Eye - Introduction
Do they have to argue upon everything?!

Also by Im_Fariha

by cutecatty1


Holiday Proposals That Celebrate Our Food Pets!
I've often wished for holidays that would celebrate our food pets! Over the years, I've made a list of fun holiday proposals that would pay tribute to our edible pets, and would make us smile. Chocolate Day already exists. What about the other food colors?

by indulgences


The Moderately Evil Faerie: Part Five
Jhudora ignored the stares of all of the faeries as she made her way to the Hidden Tower with Vanity and Spite flanking her. Her clothes were soaked with brine and her makeup was completely washed off. She had put her cloak back on to hide her wings, but she was sure almost everyone knew exactly who she was.

by rocksysmom


Don't Question the King
Nothing happens. Maybe you should wait a while before visiting the shrine again....

by carrotbreath

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