Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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My Rock

by cria_sherwood

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Desert Requiem: Part Four
The Red Temple of Qasala was an impressive structure carved into the side of a sandstone cliff, and was one of the few monuments to escape major damage during the sandstorm of two hundred years ago. It was where the coronation of Qasala's rulers traditionally took place and housed the statues of the five founders of the city.

by kalnya


Holiday Proposals That Celebrate Our Food Pets!
I've often wished for holidays that would celebrate our food pets! Over the years, I've made a list of fun holiday proposals that would pay tribute to our edible pets, and would make us smile. Chocolate Day already exists. What about the other food colors?

by indulgences


The Neopian Pizza Critic
Good Day to all you Pizzaroo fanatics, Crust connoisseurs, and other aficionados of the wonderful world of pizza! I have dedicated my entire existence in Neopia to carefully sampling and critiquing all of the wonderful, unique, and in some cases downright bizarre flavors of pizza that can be found all over Neopia.

by robbie_roxburgh


A Beginner's Guide to Skirmishes
I have looked upon the face of the coming days, and she is beautiful, but the path that leads me toward her is dark with ignorance and distrust. - The Oracle

Also by earthlingdreamz

by marcthegr8est1

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