Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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by hikariyugi_yamiatemu

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Finding Your Great Guild
As luck would have it, I clicked the link too quickly and found myself on the Guild Board instead! Instead of clicking the back button, however, I stopped to look at the guilds that were being advertised as fond memories of being part of guilds throughout the years flashed in my mind. This, I thought, was where my Neopets adventure was going to take me.

by so_bored_822


The Moderately Evil Faerie: Part Five
Jhudora ignored the stares of all of the faeries as she made her way to the Hidden Tower with Vanity and Spite flanking her. Her clothes were soaked with brine and her makeup was completely washed off. She had put her cloak back on to hide her wings, but she was sure almost everyone knew exactly who she was.

by rocksysmom


Desert Requiem: Part Four
The Red Temple of Qasala was an impressive structure carved into the side of a sandstone cliff, and was one of the few monuments to escape major damage during the sandstorm of two hundred years ago. It was where the coronation of Qasala's rulers traditionally took place and housed the statues of the five founders of the city.

by kalnya


The Slushie Slinger
The start of the Altador Cup XI had been marred with disappointment that had come with the realisation that match tickets were most definitely out of her price range, given her paltry student budget. But Kayennah the Krawk was not a quitter and some ingenious quick thinking had found her enquiring at one of the Slushie stands if they needed any extra help over the Cup season. And miracle of miracles, Kayennah was hired!

by tallydepp

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