The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,279,236 Issue: 755 | 28th day of Collecting, Y18
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword general_grievious__

Week - 735

by general_grievious__
Description: You have GOT to be kidding me...

Week - 753

The Neovian Misadventure of Will and Biggs: Part One
by general_grievious__
Description: A tall dark figure paced back and forth in a tiny, dimly lit room smattered with frocks, perfumes, and cosmetics. A ratty grey tailcoat with a bright amaranth fringe wrapped around his slender frame. He stopped and creaked open the door, taking a peep down the barren, dark hallway of similar doors.

Week - 754

The Neovian Misadventure of Will and Biggs: Part Two
by general_grievious__
Description: The wind from the door breezed through Biggs skull. He huffed a short exasperated sigh and climbed down from the small, creaky stoop. He gingerly placed the bouquet against the door, turned around, and left the thorny thicket. He wandered slowly around the park until the sun fell away and the glittering specks of starts littered the sky.

Week - 755

The Neovian Misadventure of Will and Biggs: Part Three
by general_grievious__
Description: Biggs gently pushed on his back and they stepped out into the street. Wills heart leapt up into his throat. He sunk his head low and darted his eyes about. A well-dressed Grarrl with a beard to his belly and a Mynci mime were on the street to the south.

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Tails From: Halloween
BOO! I mean.... meow. Have a spooky Halloween, NT!

by winters_footsteps

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