Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,279,236 Issue: 755 | 28th day of Collecting, Y18
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New Series

Nothing To Sneeze At: Part One

She knew they were getting close when the tangle of trees became too much to fly through. According to one of the now lost books in Faerieland’s enormous library, the forest that contained the Haunted Woods was too dense for anyone--even Queen Fyora the book claimed, although Misquote doubted that—to spot it while flying.

by drifbilim
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The Spookiest Aspects Of Neopets!

Happy Halloween, everyone! 'Tis the season of tricks and treats, and I hope your Halloween celebrations are going well! *munches candy corn* That said, in honor of the holiday, I thought I'd write an article all about the spookiest aspects of Neopets! To compile this list, I scoured the Neoboards for the opinions of my fellow players. They had a lot of keen and insightful opinions about the spookiest parts of the site, and it was fun to talk to them!

Other Stories


Return to the Gallery of the Dolls
I can’t help but stare at Amulatt like she has lost her little Eventide head. Or grown a second one. I have her repeat what she said, slowly. “Thou hast a request to return to Neovia. I doth believe thy Friend said ‘as quick as your Peophin legs can carry you or I’ll destroy you.’

by skutterbotched


The Unwinding of Hannah
As she entered the Haunted Woods, a kind of hushed fog whispered through the trees. It snaked through branches and whispered dark nothings into the tree’s ears. A rush of air seemed to roar in her ears, tricking her, mocking her. Her heart pounded in response, beating against her chest, seeking freedom and fresh air.

by ladygaladriel213


Edna's Cosplay
Whether you love or hate her, Edna is a well-known character around Neopia. She is most famous for her quests, and also commonly associated with Halloween because of the way she looks and where she lives. Even though, as the Neopedia says, she’s “older than mouldy cheese”, she deserves to have some fun once in a while and act like a young Neopian again.

Also by dutchese159

by krispykritter6


Throwing A Spooky Gourmet Party
The time of year is upon us to see who can throw the spookiest, most bone chilling party of the year. You have sent the invitations, the decorations are ready to be put up, but what about food?

Also by chibiaden14

by emberfusion


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks part 4

by blackaavar


Sophie's Stew: Bearclops Edition
... It's going to be one of those days, is it?

by izzywizard

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