Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,279,236 Issue: 755 | 28th day of Collecting, Y18
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Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 14

The bigger you are, the harder you fall.

by twillieblossom
Head in the Clouds: Halloween Edition

Oh yeah, real scary.

by yoshisislandbandit
Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 9

You can't stop me. But this will stop you.

by june_scarlet
Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks part 4


by blackaavar
Sophie's Stew: Bearclops Edition

... It's going to be one of those days, is it?

by izzywizard
Chance of Rain - Halloween Hoarder

It's been a long year- she deserves it.

by mizumew
Royal Pain: Halloween

You two had ONE job.

by winner19955
Tails From: Halloween

BOO! I mean.... meow. Have a spooky Halloween, NT!

by winters_footsteps
Or Something Like It: Scare Tactics

I TOLD you

Also by Sarika_Ambrielle

by kittie_orion

Random Oddness


by mistyqee
The Esophagor's Troubles

A little kindness goes a long way...

Also by somethingsosurreal

by roxanna203

A Spooky Halloween: Part Four

The Party

by ghostkomorichu
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"The Truth About Clowns" by placebo_533
At the beginning of Autumn, the clowns started to appear. They came out at night mostly. They would stand in the middle of the street, and watch you. They would peer into windows. You might find them looming in the dark at a park, at the local shop - anywhere and everywhere they appeared. They were all a little different. Some tall, some short, some with white faces, some without. Usually they had a wide red smile. If you saw one and tried to walk away, the smile would follow you. They hid around corners and behind bushes. Alone at night, you could hear their big shoes squeaking and honking with each step as they followed you... “And if they ever catch you, they’ll turn you into an evil clown too!” Jana screamed, twisting her hands into claws. She laughed heartily as her two younger guests squealed with fright. Her best friend Lydia was not impressed, and crossed her arms. “Clowns aren’t scary. They make silly faces and do magic. That’s not evil.” Jana scowled, clearly disappointed that her frightful rendition of the current clown crisis was having no effect on a third of her audience. “They are too scary! Some clowns can turn into Spyders! And grow into giants! And eat you up like an omelette!” At this, the two young Xweetoks – Daisy and James - held each other and squealed again. James started to blubber, causing Jana to wrinkle her nose in distaste. “You're too little to appreciate what a good warning I’m giving you.” She said, shaking a finger in his face, “You just go follow the adults around. You can’t defend yourselves against the clowns anyway. You’d be turned into a clown pie in seconds.” She said snootily. Hearing they were defenceless, the two little children ran wildly back to the house, where the grown-ups were having a hushed conversation. “Clowns really aren’t scary.” Lydia said, picking at a spot of dried hot chocolate on her jeans. She’d worn her best pair to the party, just as her mother said she should, and Lydia never let a good pair of jeans go to waste. She’d already ripped the hem of one leg and covered the knees with grass stains before her mother had finished saying ‘hello’ at the door.

Other Stories


Hello, From Your Windowsill
Hello, my name is Todd, and I am alive. That's right, I am a sentient being trapped inside this plushie body. When I was a young Poogle, blue in color, I carelessly wandered away from my owner and was dragged into the laboratory of a mad Skeith scientist. I still do not know the mad scientist's name, but he knew mine.

by medusala


Return to the Gallery of the Dolls
I can’t help but stare at Amulatt like she has lost her little Eventide head. Or grown a second one. I have her repeat what she said, slowly. “Thou hast a request to return to Neovia. I doth believe thy Friend said ‘as quick as your Peophin legs can carry you or I’ll destroy you.’

by skutterbotched


A “Haunted” World on Halloween
If you’re in the mood for a scare, then take a trip to the Haunted Woods if you dare! Scaredy-kacheeks should beware, and take heed to stay far away from there.

by stargirl346


17 Avatars for Halloween
Welcome to my fabulous list of the scariest, spookiest, and creepiest avatars to use for Halloween! Without a doubt, TNT has graces us with many delightful options to use and show just how much we Neopians adore the most fun-filled holiday of the year. Here, I will list (in no particular order) the spookiest avatars to sport for Halloween.

by aphrasia


The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Five
Seneca was dragged out of the bog, gasping and coughing up mud. Because her vision was still clouded, she didn’t see who carried her to the cave, but they tossed her carelessly to the stone floor as soon as they arrived.

by hybatsu


Sharing the Load: Part Two
After her brother Galen had completely worn himself out working hard to support the both of them, Helen had taken his place that day. She had been working hard thus far, doing everything in his place while he took a much needed break.

by 77thbigby

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