A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,279,236 Issue: 755 | 28th day of Collecting, Y18
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword placebo_533

Week - 680

Last Minute Gift (Baskets)
by placebo_533
Description: It's coming up to Valentines Day and we all know what that means...

Week - 699

by placebo_533
Description: The first breath was the hardest. They call the last breath ‘the death rattle’, but the first after dying is more than that, worse than that. The shock of it is only half the trouble. It’s like a small fire, or some sort of explosion, igniting in your chest. I saw a ghostkerbomb go off once, with a piercing white fire. It felt the way that bomb had looked.

Week - 705

by placebo_533
Description: Boo!


Week - 711

Baby Blues
by placebo_533
Description: Hush...

Week - 717

Heavy Metal
by placebo_533
Description: A Mote. A particle, or speck of dust. A tiny, inconsequential amount of something, usually pictured floating off to nowhere. A little bit of somethingness to punctuate the nothingness. This might be what always made me uneasy, when I thought of motes - that emphasis of space. At least, I think it was; before that day, when I started thinking something else.

Week - 720

The Riddle of The Sphinx
by placebo_533
Description: Two travelers must answer...

Week - 750

True Colour
by placebo_533
Description: Gerard lay back, content at last, as the final word of his latest story dried on the paper. Complete at last. Already his head stormed with new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. No matter how many novels, or how many short stories, each began like first steps - brimming with new life and possibility.

Week - 755

The Truth About Clowns
by placebo_533
Description: At the beginning of Autumn, the clowns started to appear. They came out at night mostly. They would stand in the middle of the street, and watch you. They would peer into windows. You might find them looming in the dark at a park, at the local shop - anywhere and everywhere they appeared.

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The Unwinding of Hannah
As she entered the Haunted Woods, a kind of hushed fog whispered through the trees. It snaked through branches and whispered dark nothings into the tree’s ears. A rush of air seemed to roar in her ears, tricking her, mocking her. Her heart pounded in response, beating against her chest, seeking freedom and fresh air.

by ladygaladriel213


Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 9
You can't stop me. But this will stop you.

by june_scarlet


Return to the Gallery of the Dolls
I can’t help but stare at Amulatt like she has lost her little Eventide head. Or grown a second one. I have her repeat what she said, slowly. “Thou hast a request to return to Neovia. I doth believe thy Friend said ‘as quick as your Peophin legs can carry you or I’ll destroy you.’

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Random Oddness

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The Spookiest Aspects Of Neopets!
'Tis the season of tricks and treats, and I hope your Halloween celebrations are going well! *munches candy corn* That said, in honor of the holiday, I thought I'd write an article all about the spookiest aspects of Neopets! To compile this list, I scoured the Neoboards for the opinions of my fellow players.

by indulgences

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