Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,279,236 Issue: 755 | 28th day of Collecting, Y18
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Royal Pain: Halloween

by winner19955

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Seneca was dragged out of the bog, gasping and coughing up mud. Because her vision was still clouded, she didn’t see who carried her to the cave, but they tossed her carelessly to the stone floor as soon as they arrived.

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Nothing To Sneeze At: Part One
She knew they were getting close when the tangle of trees became too much to fly through. According to one of the now lost books in Faerieland’s enormous library, the forest that contained the Haunted Woods was too dense for anyone--even Queen Fyora the book claimed, although Misquote doubted that—to spot it while flying.

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The Unwinding of Hannah
As she entered the Haunted Woods, a kind of hushed fog whispered through the trees. It snaked through branches and whispered dark nothings into the tree’s ears. A rush of air seemed to roar in her ears, tricking her, mocking her. Her heart pounded in response, beating against her chest, seeking freedom and fresh air.

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A “Haunted” World on Halloween
If you’re in the mood for a scare, then take a trip to the Haunted Woods if you dare! Scaredy-kacheeks should beware, and take heed to stay far away from there.

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