The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,279,236 Issue: 755 | 28th day of Collecting, Y18
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Or Something Like It: Scare Tactics

by kittie_orion

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The Unwinding of Hannah
As she entered the Haunted Woods, a kind of hushed fog whispered through the trees. It snaked through branches and whispered dark nothings into the tree’s ears. A rush of air seemed to roar in her ears, tricking her, mocking her. Her heart pounded in response, beating against her chest, seeking freedom and fresh air.

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Edna's Cosplay
Whether you love or hate her, Edna is a well-known character around Neopia. She is most famous for her quests, and also commonly associated with Halloween because of the way she looks and where she lives. Even though, as the Neopedia says, she’s “older than mouldy cheese”, she deserves to have some fun once in a while and act like a young Neopian again.

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Top 10 Spookiest Avatars
This article will feature the Top 10 spookiest avatars so you can enjoy the Halloween at 100%! If you are staying home, put on a scary costume and go chat in the Neoboards with a matching avatar. This Top 10 edition will not have any retired avatars so you should have no issues in getting (almost) all of them!

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Sharing the Load: Part Two
After her brother Galen had completely worn himself out working hard to support the both of them, Helen had taken his place that day. She had been working hard thus far, doing everything in his place while he took a much needed break.

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