A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,305,201 Issue: 758 | 18th day of Storing, Y18
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The ODDEST Brothers Ever - Island Mystic

by lpshannah_908

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Scratchcard Statistics
While there are many reasons people use scratchcards (e.g. it’s fun, there are avatars available for winning), I am going to address the question of neopoint value: are scratchcards worth the money you spend on them?

by unfreeze_divicool72


Professional Usul Skiing - A Retrospective
With another Usul Skiing Season rapidly approaching, now is a great time to remember and appreciate Terror Mountain’s most exciting sporting event – Alpine Speed Racing.

by saintmotel


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Faked Test Scores: Part Three
This isn't my test!” James exclaimed. He slammed the paper down on the table. “I remember exactly I wrote for my essay and this isn't it!” “But that's your handwriting,” I informed as I looked at the paper. It was James' handwriting. I could recognize it easily.

by chasing_stars44


The World We Won
Around the group, dozens of Meepits in all sorts of colors herded the Neopians into small groups, their expressions dull and exhausted, many longing to return to the luxury of a quiet Neohome and the comforting yet boring discussion of evil plots that seemed too ridiculous to ever pass. Who would have thought that the Meepits would have won?

by the_furreh_one

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