There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,305,201 Issue: 758 | 18th day of Storing, Y18
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Continued Series

Chasing Treasure: Part Nine

Sam came to slowly, dragging himself into a foggy, pain filled consciousness. His head throbbed, a dull ache radiating out from the base of his skull. His arms hurt when he tried to move them, aching from being tied too tightly behind his back for too long.

by aethelar
The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Eight

They hadn’t been able to clean the library. The night after Mago disappeared, Alless had staggered out into the snow barefoot, with no coat, screaming her sister’s name until her voice went hoarse. Close to midnight, just when Seneca was numbly realizing she might also be missing, Alless had shown up, wet and empty-eyed in the foyer.

by hybatsu
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Faked Test Scores: Part Three

This isn't my test!” James exclaimed. He slammed the paper down on the table. “I remember exactly I wrote for my essay and this isn't it!” “But that's your handwriting,” I informed as I looked at the paper. It was James' handwriting. I could recognize it easily.

by chasing_stars44
Befriending Boochi: Part Two

For the past three days, Draikessa the Eventide Draik and her friend Kayennah the Pirate Krawk had spent the majority of their time seeking out the Baby Bruce known as Boochi. Draikessa was determined to discover if there was any truth behind the myth that Boochi randomly zapped Neopians in Baby neopets, and if so, why?

by tallydepp
The Neovian Misadventure of Will and Biggs: Part Six

The moon peeked out from the clouds and Biggs got to his feet after putting the remaining contents of Ms.Wisp’s satchel together. “Do you suppose she lives at the soup kitchen?” “Perhaps.” Will yawned as he got up off the forest floor. Together they struggled through the trees, back to the rough dirt road just outside of town. Will started to scrape his claws up against a tree, ”Does everywhere have to be so filthy?!”

by general_grievious__
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Professional Usul Skiing - A Retrospective

With another Usul Skiing Season rapidly approaching, now is a great time to remember and appreciate Terror Mountain’s most exciting sporting event – Alpine Speed Racing. Many Usuls from all over Neopia have travelled to stay in Happy Valley lodges each winter for as long as snow has graced those iconic slopes.

Other Stories


The World We Won
Around the group, dozens of Meepits in all sorts of colors herded the Neopians into small groups, their expressions dull and exhausted, many longing to return to the luxury of a quiet Neohome and the comforting yet boring discussion of evil plots that seemed too ridiculous to ever pass. Who would have thought that the Meepits would have won?

by the_furreh_one


An Interview With Illusen
Sophie should have been excited. She was still fairly new at this whole reporting thing, and someone as inexperienced as her usually didn’t get such high profile cases. She’d already had a chance to interview Jhudora (although she was pretty sure that was because everyone else had been too terrified to do it), and now here she was, with Illusen the Earth Faerie herself.

by pupeez4eva


Professional Usul Skiing - A Retrospective
With another Usul Skiing Season rapidly approaching, now is a great time to remember and appreciate Terror Mountain’s most exciting sporting event – Alpine Speed Racing.

by saintmotel


The Top Five Neopets for Beginners
So after months of whining and begging and blackmailing etc, you’ve finally gotten your friend to take a look at Neopets for the very first time. Everything’s going pretty smoothly, filling out the paperwork and registering as a Neopian and such. But then the proud new citizen enters the Adoption Center, and is immediately bombarded by dozens of adorable faces, all beaming up at them with hopeful eyes and perked ears.

by nikibogwater


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks part 7
No petpets were harmed in the making of this comic.

by blackaavar


Head in the Clouds: The Perfect Petpet Pt. 3
This is ridiculous!

by yoshisislandbandit

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