Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,328,353 Issue: 759 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y18
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by royal_real

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Great stories!


Meridell: The Town that Time Forgot
Meridell is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of Neopia life. A brief four-hour train ride through the countryside is all it takes to bring you to a lovely coastal town that time forgot. You may get lost in the past but with this handy guide you won’t be at a loss for what to do to make the most of your weekend getaway.

by tkprtyrhd


A Guide to Making Friends!
Neopets is a game in which you need to interact with a lot of different people — whether you're chatting on the boards, trading Neocash, or buying items from the trading post. All of these vital activities become easier and way more fun when you do them with your friends!

Also by gameboyknight,

by neptunely


What would you do?
Just then a yellow wocky paused as he walked down the path, and said to Nherf, "You look like you could use some luck!" He handed him a lottery ticket and said "I hope you win!" before he quickly disappeared into the crowd.

by sweetpuppyrose


Maybe because that's actually poisonous jelly...

by flustre

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