Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,328,353 Issue: 759 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y18
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Continued Series

Chasing Treasure: Part Ten

Sam's relief at Rochefort's plans being halted was quickly replaced with dread. It only got worse when Niettah continued speaking.

by aethelar
The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Nine

Mago’s great claws thundered across the soil. At this speed, every breeze felt like that of a frigid winter rushing through her fur, and she opened her mouth to cry out in triumph for the power coursing through her veins. She could feel it in her claws, in her horns, and deep in her muscles. She could do anything she wanted in the world.

by hybatsu
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Faked Test Scores: Part Four

I slowly opened my still very heavy eyelids and groaned a little. Drowsiness still lingered in me. My head was hurting a little. I knew I didn't get hit in the head, so that concerned me. Then again, I was knocked out. My head did tend to hurt after I get knocked out, even with potions...

by chasing_stars44
Befriending Boochi: Part Three

"What I don't understand," she mused aloud, "is why Boochi hasn't changed all the Neopians back into what they were prior to him zapping them Baby. We know now that his ray gun can work in reverse. So surely it would make sense for him to make amends and transform everyone back?"

by tallydepp
Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Two

Sat at the table my roommate Priyia, an alien aisha, was pouring freshly brewed coffee into two mugs and chatting jovially to someone, from my vantage point I couldn’t see who she was talking to, so I cleared my throat and stepped from the hall into the kitchen. Sat opposite her was Westron, the pirate krawk I had met the day before. They both looked up as I entered.

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_

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What if...?

Have you ever wondered how Neopia would be today if certain pivotal events never took place during the course of its history? Here putting my imagination to work, I tried to form a new Neopia by removing important and groundbreaking revelations and plots from its history.

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A vivid history of four esteemed Neopians.

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“The theme of this year’s Games Master Challenge,” he read, “is ‘Heroes versus Villains’. The captain of Team Heroes is King Jazan the Fourth, Ruler of Qasala, Emperor of the Shadowed Sands, Master Sorcerer and Maven of Curses. The captain of Team Villains is… to be determined?!”

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Essential Items for Your Perfect Princess
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Maybe because that's actually poisonous jelly...

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Zapping while having bad luck?
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