Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,328,353 Issue: 759 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y18
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Hi why has the Snowager not started his/her Hibenation in December like he/she has done for years? (please remove my name and user details) ~ usrname removed
Good question, I'm glad you asked! We tried and tried but our friend the Snowager was awfully tired of missing the entire Advent Calendar! Knowing he was being featured on the first day, he insisted on staying awake to see it. *shrug* what can ya do? He's slipped into his month long sleep now though!

Hi Country Queen! *passes out holiday cookies* Are there going to be any plans for a NC purchasable username change/pet name change option? Thank you!(please remove my username) ~ username removed
*munches on cookies before the rest of staff gets any* whoops... sorry guys. So it's something we've wanted to do, but it would involve preeeeetty much re-writing the whole back end of the site and how it all works. So, unfortunately, it's not on the horizon right now.

Hi Tnt! I had a quick question. I've seen people I know get their accounts frozen for "breaking the rules". Now a lot of times staff doesn't tell us what those rules were, however when digging in the chat boards, fellow users come out with all these new rules that are freezable offenses. So my question is, can we get our accounts back for breaking rules we didn't even know about? I know a lot of people who didn't break any rules *according to the rules page* but for some reason they get frozen for rules mentioned in the editorial. The thing is though, if we don't read the editorial, how will we know we even broke a rule? *if my question makes it plz remove my username thx* ~ username removed
Hi! So while I can't go unfreeze your account, if you feel you were unjustly frozen, please submit a ticket and discuss it with our support staff! They (and the monitors) have the final say on all things freezings. Being unaware of rules isn't always a valid reason for not following them. However, to clear things up, we've been in the process for a while of re-writing and updating the rules page. So y'all will have a fully inclusive version of the rules, ending any and all confusion (hopefully).

*Sets out milk and cookies* It's that time of year again, and the previous years you guys wont allow a Secret Santa. I believe it's a great way to connect with neofriends and guild mates. Is there anyway you can think about lifting that rule, or is it always going to be frowned upon? ~ marbear_4u
Unfortunately, they often bring about begging, which is why we don't allow them :( You're welcome to get in the holiday spirit by gifting your friends! But announcing it (like with a Secret Santa) is still a no-go. Sorry!

Hey CQ! *Slides over a glass of neggnog* If we were writing an article for the NT, if we wanted to make a list of something or center something, would we need to include line breaks and centering in brackets ourselves? Thanks! ~ natashajean09
Hi! That's the best way to guarantee you get the formatting you want for your piece! Just be to sure to do it all in swuare brackets [] and we'll take care of the rest!

* Happy Thoughts*

Just wanted to send a message to say thanks so much for the GMC this year, it was a lot of fun, once again! What a lovely diversion. Looking very much forward to the next little event y'all come up with, cheers! ~ serebeii

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