A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,339,876 Issue: 760 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sargelw

Week - 758

Altadorian Games - A Tribute
by sargelw
Description: I love Altador. I think it's a great place filled with an interesting history, vibrant characters, a deep and engaging plot, and beautiful views. I admire the council of Altador, and respect the idea of highlighting extraordinary talent and promoting self-improvement. But Altador is also a place to have fun, and with its own set of games, there's plenty of fun to be had.

Week - 760

Attack of the Marblemen: a Trophy Guide
by sargelw
Description: The purpose of this guide is to give you the strategy and information to get a trophy, specifically a gold trophy, as easily and quickly as possible. This isn't a walkthrough; there's 70 different level designs and that would be way too much. Instead of focusing on individual levels, I'm going to lay out what I did to set myself up to play for the trophy.

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You're gone for two years and the entire world flips on its head! What's next--Faerieland crashing or something?

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A Very Merry Telethon: Part Four
And you wonder why you're always on the naughty list...

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Attack of the Marblemen: a Trophy Guide
The purpose of this guide is to give you the strategy and information to get a trophy, specifically a gold trophy, as easily and quickly as possible. This isn't a walkthrough; there's 70 different level designs and that would be way too much. Instead of focusing on individual levels, I'm going to lay out what I did to set myself up to play for the trophy.

by sargelw


Month of Celebrating Winter Clothing Guide
Price guide to help you pick the best winter clothing for your neopet!

by gumgum101230


The Morning Paper
"Horeseay, listen to this, the grooming shop is having a hair stylist in their beauty salon next week for free consultations. If you decide to have it cut and styled like they recommend, it is all on sale. I have always wanted to have my hair styled by a specialist. Maybe I will get a whole new look." I went on, "what do you think?"

by applefaerie99

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