Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,339,876 Issue: 760 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y18
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My Puny Arms Can't Even Hold an Attack Pea!

My Beginners Guide to Training on a Budget!

by kittykatbt
A Royal Interview

Today we have a rare chance to meet with not one, not two, but three leaders of Neopia! King Hagan, Lord Darigan, and King Skarl!

by kaioti
The 10 Most Challenging Neopets

Have you ever wondered what type of pets might be the most challenging in Neopia to own? Whether you are new and looking to conquer the challenge of challenges or an old hand at Neopets who wants to tackle the unique troubles of living with a truly difficult Neopet, this list is sure to provide you some excellent ideas of pets which fit the bill

by eleventh_muse
Month of Celebrating Winter Clothing Guide

Price guide to help you pick the best winter clothing for your neopet!

by gumgum101230
Altador Constellations: The Hidden Power

Chaos rampaged Neopia during the last few days, as a plethora of Neopian citizens claimed that Altadorian constellations hide a deeper, hidden power.

Also by got_milk_adoptions

by water_park1993

The Definitive Guide To Hissi

A comprehensive guide to Neopia's favorite serpentine creatures.

by alli_draggy
If I Won...

What would you do if you happened to be browsing around Neopia, only to realize you had actually won the Neopian lottery? Scream and shout? Jump up and down, much to the delight of your pets and neighbors? Dash off to the National Neopian Bank and quickly deposit it all?

by the_ezzy
Attack of the Marblemen: a Trophy Guide

The purpose of this guide is to give you the strategy and information to get a trophy, specifically a gold trophy, as easily and quickly as possible. This isn't a walkthrough; there's 70 different level designs and that would be way too much. Instead of focusing on individual levels, I'm going to lay out what I did to set myself up to play for the trophy.

by sargelw
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"Kindness in the Works" by iswimmings
A Spotted Lupe, flustered and sweaty, bulldozed his study table of loose paper and engineering books hoping to find his blueprints for his mechanical robot. Polarjet let out a small whelp when nothing emerged from the clearing. He dropped to the floor, scanning and overturning each textbook for the possibility that his precious document may surface. He even took off his Brass Gear Goggles for a few seconds just to double check if his eyesight was not playing tricks on him. Dawncrest, his older brother and a Pirate Grundo dressed in his metallic blue Grundo Resistance outfit wrapped in a Space Grundo Belt, knocked thrice on his opened door. He held up an Explorer Backpack with a scroll of blue parchment sticking out of of the corner, but there was no response from the panicking Lupe. Dawncrest knocked once again on the door but the Lupe was too entranced with the search to be bothered. "Is this what you have been looking for?" smirked the Pirate Grundo as he lifted the backpack up towards the lantern lighting. The Lupe's ears pointed upward like an electric jolt from a Tesla coil.

Other Stories


The Morning Paper
"Horeseay, listen to this, the grooming shop is having a hair stylist in their beauty salon next week for free consultations. If you decide to have it cut and styled like they recommend, it is all on sale. I have always wanted to have my hair styled by a specialist. Maybe I will get a whole new look." I went on, "what do you think?"

by applefaerie99


Christmas Miracles
A story about a Draik who couldn't fly, but who had always dreamed for the day she could finally taste the skies.

by butteredwings


Of Silence: a Home for the Holidays: Part One
It’s fast approaching two in the morning when the candles above Kanrik’s work desk begin to dance in what would seem to be the ghost of an unnatural breeze; and that, as always, can only mean one thing: The thief’s got a visitor.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Dreaming of Adventure: Part Two
“Excuse me but are you alright?” Ramona was stopped in her tracks looking at a Yurble and jelly Shoyru standing before her. It was the Yurble that had addressed her but they both looked concerned. Seeing them, Ramona could not hold back her pent-up emotions any longer. She told them the entire story.

by 77thbigby


Head in the Clouds: The Perfect Petpet Pt. 5
Your name is Dark Pit, right?

by yoshisislandbandit


Sleep Deprivation
Just a little coffee and you're good to go!

by innosently

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