Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 194,339,876 Issue: 760 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y18
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Continued Series

The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Ten

The wall ahead of her rippled. Colly watched with horror as the mud melted and sloughed off the wall the make way for Sarabet, who didn’t even wait for the doorway to be solidified again to welcome herself inside. Mud plopped onto her head and ran down her body, but she treated it with indifference.

by hybatsu
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Faked Test Scores: Part Five

Erica and I went from a relaxed walk to a sprint down the stairs. I just knew that Dean Green wouldn't walk but fly down the stairwell. That made me nervous. Even though I could run really fast, I was still at a disadvantage to flying Neopets.

by chasing_stars44
Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Three

I never liked to talk about how things went in exams, inevitably I would be wrong. However, on this occasion I felt I had done quite well. All the questions had been in the areas I had understood best, and all in all, I was quite pleased with what I had written.

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_

Dreaming of Adventure: Part Two

“Excuse me but are you alright?” Ramona was stopped in her tracks looking at a Yurble and jelly Shoyru standing before her. It was the Yurble that had addressed her but they both looked concerned. Seeing them, Ramona could not hold back her pent-up emotions any longer. She told them the entire story.

by 77thbigby
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"The Morning Paper" by applefaerie99
J eronie the blue Yurble was reading the large ad in the morning paper. Jeronie called over to her roommate, "Horeseay, listen to this, the grooming shop is having a hair stylist in their beauty salon next week for free consultations. If you decide to have it cut and styled like they recommend, it is all on sale. I have always wanted to have my hair styled by a specialist. Maybe I will get a whole new look." I went on, "what do you think?" Horeseay looked at me over the sports pages, "If that's what you want, go ahead. I hope it's nothing too far out." When I stopped by for an appointment, I found out they were filled up and had to settle for a place on the waiting list. I remembered back to another incident years ago when I received a free "hairdo" and it made me laugh thinking about it. At the time we had been in our new home in Neopia Central only a few years. My younger sister, Cami and her roommate had recently moved to Roo Island where she taught math. We really enjoyed being able to get together often. "Come over for the weekend," Cami had written in a note to me, "I found a great place where we can get our hair done on Saturday morning and it doesn't cost anything!" At that time having our hair done at a beauty salon was a special treat, reserved only for special events. So we were ready early Saturday morning when we walked to town for our free beauty services.

Other Stories


Kindness in the Works
Polarjet slammed the door and raced to the town square. He knew that for him to hand his blueprint on time for parts production, he needed to run faster than a My Mechanical Buddy T-3000 in overdrive.

by iswimmings


Christmas Miracles
A story about a Draik who couldn't fly, but who had always dreamed for the day she could finally taste the skies.

by butteredwings


If I Won...
What would you do if you happened to be browsing around Neopia, only to realize you had actually won the Neopian lottery? Scream and shout? Jump up and down, much to the delight of your pets and neighbors? Dash off to the National Neopian Bank and quickly deposit it all?

by the_ezzy


The Definitive Guide To Hissi
A comprehensive guide to Neopia's favorite serpentine creatures.

by alli_draggy


You're gone for two years and the entire world flips on its head! What's next--Faerieland crashing or something?

by totally_petpets_4


When the Owner Leaves the House
... and you're waiting for the food

by janderson_lee

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