A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,421,304 Issue: 766 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Second Helping

by whssoftball11

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The Perils of Chocolate Pet Ownership
To many Neopians, that sounds like a deliciously decadent sweet treat. To chocolate pet owners, the thought brings horrified tears. With Valentine’s day fast approaching, it’s time to discuss the perils of Chocolate pet ownership.

Also by blackroseofwisdom

by djleclair


Spiral: Part Four
“I saw the entire ordeal unfold from the nearby waters. You put up a good fight. It’s not too late to stop your foe” The Maraquan Eyrie and Uni reappeared. “There are still many out there who believe in you, and a certain friend of the… ghostly variety seems to have taken quite a shine towards you. There might be something that may be able to assist you in your plight, but it is found submerged in the depths of Maraqua” Nereid let go of Frostrym as she swam out a little further away from the icy shore “So are you in?”

by waterguardianwmr


Faerie Caverns Logic
I guess you have to try tomorrow!

by arijuka


Kiss The Mortog: A Guide To Keeping Clean
The point of this game is simple: kiss the right frog and reveal a prince. This should be easy, I mean it's a prince disguised as a petpet, you'd think there'd be a visual cue or something. Nope. No way.

by alienigenosidad

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